Untitled exhibition by Dr. Francesca Bogliolo
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 06 July 2018
The Wikiarte Contemporary Art Gallery
in Via San Felice 18 - Bologna
It is pleased to invite you
Friday 6 July 2018
6.00 pm

At the inauguration of the exhibition

Facing the beauties of nature or the magnificent witnesses of the past, we often hold our breath and feelings struggle to find voice. Our experience in the world take into account messages that talk directly to the soul, with no need of words.
To the modern viewer the twentieth century art gives an opportunity to make an additional effort, a step forward, a personal observation on matter that leads who is watching, as well as who is brave enough to fully live, through the unknown beauty of their own inner self.
Lines of thinking that in the past oriented its use now are stepping back facing the necessity of give space to the expression of the self, of the will to theorize and portray both the outer beauty, expressed by the conventional model, and the inner one, full of mystery and possibility.
The work of art is able to hide as to reveal, in variable proportions according to the sensibility. The word can deceive just as much as the mind: a pipe might not be what it seems, and a title can be expressed in the now well known untitled. The word compared to the image can apparently seem not as significant, it can become a real and true paradox.
However, though it might appear misleading, the absence of a title opens to a multidirectional interpretation, herald of suggestions and opportunities.
Then we shouldn’t ask our self what we do or do not know, about the work, but rather what we do or do not feel: infinite interpretative possibilities, at least as much as all of us, lend themselves to be adopted, as like as many useful lessons concerning every aspects of life where art can be the reflection of it.
In the relational triangulation between the artist, the work of art and the user, what we must not forget isn’t the title, the date or the subject of what is seen, on the contrary the work that we instinctively focus on has something in common with who is watching, and can help him to have a better living, or simply to sharpen his aesthetic taste.
The habitual attendance of art reminds us that – as Kandinsky affirmed – every work of art is the child of his time, and is often mother of our feelings, that to the modern absence of a title isn’t different from a title that does no longer belong to the culture of our time, which doesn’t allow to recognize the evocative and symbolic value of it.
However, is evident that the lack of some declarative words, of a comment, of an interpretation, do not preclude a personal experience of the work, the one that convert the inner aspects that we aren’t often able to define.
Moreover seems useful that, facing certain types of intellectual dry blindness, which wish to overwhelm the nature of art to confine it in their own interpretative schemas, anonymity – as Ulysses showed – can save us.
Anonymity, claimed Mirò, allows us to achieve the universal, it goes beyond space and time to approach everybody’s most inner space, it makes possible to be free of our false self to gain awareness.
If, as again Kandinsky claimed, painting is an art, and art is not a worthless creation of things that vanish into emptiness, but is a power with a purpose, and must be used to the developing and refining of the soul, we can ensure that exists a form that finds the way to accomplish our own psychic space, removing all the superstructures, title included. All there is left to do is to go in a museum, in a gallery, in institutional places, sit and listen stunned by the endless scream of Art.


Andrea Sangalli, Angela Marchionni, Antonio Franchi, Claudia Dazzini, Demian Accardi, Drago Cerchiari,
Ezio Tambini, Francesca Guariso, Federica Franconeri, Gian Luca Galavotti, Giovanni Trimani,
Giuseppe Portella, Luca Boatta, Luca Tridente, Luisa Modoni, Marco Fajer, Marino Calesini,
Mario Esposito, Maurizia Piazzi, Maurizio Baiocchini, Mauro Masetti, Mauro Martin, Mauro Fastelli,
Michele Pucacco, Paolo Del Signore, Roberto Re, Ronak Moshiri, Sauro Benassi, Silvana Mascioli, Stefano Galli

Presentation by:
of Dr. Francesca Bogliolo

Edito Giorgio Mondadori
Introductory texts by Denitza Nedkova and Francesca Bogliolo
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