X edition
With the works of
Bob Tal, Bruno Greco, Carla Rigato, Carmelo Vicente Rossi, Claudia Majoli, Fabrizio Fabbroni, Gianni Panciroli, Loretta Cavicchi, Manuela Andreoli, Mauro Masetti, Orlando Allocca, Susi Zucchi, Zdenka Zouharova.
and artists permanently
Andrea Sangalli, Angelo Licari, Anna Maria Maciechowska, Antonella Bertoni, Bernard Merces, Ezio Tambini, Fabrizio Cadoppi, Francesca Guariso, Gian Luca Galavotti, Giovanna Regazzi, Giovanni Trimani, Luca Tridente, Marco Fajer, Mario Esposito, Mauro Martin, Marzia Roversi, Michele Liparesi, Michele Pucacco, Nicola Nunziati, Nicola Pica, Odile Chalmin, Roberto Re, Ronak Moshiri, Sabino Galante, Sauro Benassi, Walter Marin.
From prehistory to today, art has told human sensitivity in relation to history. Fashions and styles have explored every form of expression up to contemporary performances and installations. Language is the communicative energy that crosses the artist's senses to stimulate those who admire the work. It is a code free from historicity that cannot hover far from it because it is its content and essence. Time has marked avant-garde and artistic currents. In 2020 what are the movements that belong to this era? In this global world there is no revolution going on. There is no evolution in progress. There is no limit to the desires that can be represented. The beginning of a new decade creates the expectation of something new. The message inserted in the context can be social, moral and religious, historical, political or sentimental values. But it can also refrain from uploading the work and simply reproducing a scene as you see or hear it. The artist's need is to share his intuition that it is a poetics or a technical research. The subjects chosen have no common denominator except beauty. It is a free choice consistent with the expressive will. Then the public will appreciate the final result.
Quoting the author Guillaume Musso: "To escape the brutality of an era governed by science, stupidity and economic rationalism, what other weapons do we have except art, beauty and love?"
Edited by
Luca Ricci
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Wikiarte gallery
Via San Felice 18
40122, Bologna
Duration of the exhibition:
from 23 January to 18 February 2020
exhibition ends February 18 at 15.00
Exhibition opening
Tuesday to Saturday from 11.00 to 18.00
Info and contacts:
Mail: info@wikiarte.com
Site: www.wikiarte.com
Tel: 0515882727
Follow us on social:
Instagram: @galleria_wikiarte #galleriawikiarte
Facebook: Wikiarte Gallery
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