AFS - "Art and Food Summer"
Exhibitions, Italy, Pescara, 06 July 2012
The pictorial works of the artist Alfonso Camplone "land" to use a term common to the painter Pescara forward "lido": The Green Dolphin, one of the industry's historic North Coast Pescara.
This continues the association of two queens of the arts: painting and cooking, in this brand new location in summer organizes special evenings and events.
The event named as non-AFS "acronym vitamin" in the strict sense, but still powerful balm to the Well-Being of each one of us: Art and Food Summer!
AFS to eat, but also enjoy smelling savor with your eyes ... so that the body, emotions and mind are stimulated as much as possible, aligned, and the "message" can reach the soul converging the "stimuli" to close that circle of fantastic sensations that help man to be fulfilled in its entirety.
We want to reiterate, if anything were needed, that there are many elements and the manner of performance that make the kitchen look like the painting so much that if everybody, though not "experts", pauses a moment to reflect, even notice that these elements are more than we can imagine. Except to call both arts (and already we would have to reflect), the two activities have in common colors, flavors, and implementing the suggestions.
Choose ingredients, measure out spices and flavorings, check the different cooking times, is similar to choosing colors, dosarli and apply on the canvas, check the different dry times, on paper, canvas or board. The report, the rush or improvisation for both the arts have the same nature, what one gets, the pleasure of the palate and the eye cause the same transport.
Camplone juggles the same as does the chef in the kitchen, using a mixed technique using more "ingredients" where ... "is the frottage which also makes collages to create unexpected and unpredictable figures, which combine dynamically with a sign that the decision breaks down or increasing the motion "at the end ... offering a" flat "to" eat with your eyes "!
From the beginning the earlier history of painting is punctuated by a high tribute to the food and this initiative seeks to give you the opportunity to delve into a world where you can "enjoy" the pleasure of food and the excitement of beauty .
The alchemical union of AFS (Art and Food Summer), creates a significant symbolic value where tasty dishes, good pizza and "behold the works" can bring the lucky audience to witness a friendly moment so strong up to climb over the doors of time.
Food and Arts with the Estate, "the summer" which is the host of the house and well have to appreciate in all its "event" this artistic partnership.
And 'that occurs during the summer that "moment" that which is regarded in many cultures, a spiritual door, a time when the visible and invisible worlds is touch and mingle, where the Earth Mother Goddess, is at its maximum potential, and the Sun God that energizes life is at its peak. A time of celebration and joy, then, and maybe the good weather may predispose to better accommodate deep, ingrained beliefs that combine aspects, traditions, legends and spirituality, where the "fire" the "dance" and "bath" albeit unknowingly lived radiate positive influences on body and spirit.
So Art and Food Summer, definitely does not have the presumption to affix a seal to the timeless combination of art - food but wants to enjoy the positive energy of the moment, the hope for all of an increasingly "good life"!
Personal exhibition of Alfonso Camplone
Lido Green Dolphin
Via Riviera, 112 - Pescara - Italy
From July 10 to August 26, 2012
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Comments 13

Barbara Ghisi
12 years ago
che evento originale. Scusa il ritardo. Auguriiii
Francesco De Iure
12 years ago
silvia canton
12 years ago
silvia canton Artist
tantissimi in bocca al lupo!
Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
Marilena La Mantia
12 years ago
In bocca al lupo !
franco fasano
12 years ago
franco fasano Artist
Bella idea, spero abbia il meritato successo!
monica zambon
12 years ago
monica zambon Artist
Nanouk Reicht
12 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
beau mouvement et belles couleurs.
Marianna Merler
12 years ago
in bocca al lupo!
luigi accogli
12 years ago
luigi accogli Artist
in bocca al lupo!

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