Artist Wanted
Exhibitions, United States, New York City, 19 April 2012
STEFANIA RINALDI PRESENT ANDI INVITES YOU TO PARTECIPATEYou are an artist and your dream would be to exhibit in New York? Think even bigger and imagine you can have your own work to be screened through one of dozens of bright displays that crowd the world's most famous intersection.
You can. Yes, you can enter the competition "Art takes Times Square" takes-art Times Square. The ban, which expired on April 30, is completely free and open to anyone who wants to participate: simply enter the site, build your own profile and upload their own work with their data and personal information. The winner will be entitled to a cash prize of 10 thousand dollars and, as a "Collector Prize" is giving away a dream vacation in the Big Apple worth 5 thousand dollars. "Your job will be transformed into the largest screen in your life, shown through the most iconic Times Square." A kit will be the catalog, "Art takes Times Square", but already have their own views by every day for over 500 thousand people could be a good goal, dropping the romantic fantasies of "Inspiration" that the public could draw from the images of your work. Produced by the association and Cashama Artist Wanted, the award itself as the largest exhibition in the most iconic public square in the world. We hope that we can only see something that triggers some plot twist, as it was for the truisms of Jenny Holzer, Thomas Struth or one of the earliest and most political works by Alfredo Jaar, America, passed on the screens of Times Square in 1987 .Annulla modifiche
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