""Meet with the Master Artists  Antonio Ciccone & Luigi Falai”" - HOMAGE TO PIETRO ANNIGONI II
Interviews, Italy, Arezzo, 23 April 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 6PM
"Meet with the Master Artists
Antonio Ciccone & Luigi Falai”

INVITATION: http://conta.cc/1BXvFSj
OFFICIAL PHOTOS OF THE INAUGURATION: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.601575649945467.1073741863.400712940031740&type=1
OTHER PHOTOS OF THE INAUGURATION: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.600643303372035.1073741861.400712940031740&type=1
TV COVERAGE ON TOSCANA TV - FABRIZIO BORGHINI:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpWOKse9X40
https://youtu.be/8F2EphMN4I0INVITO | INVITATION: http://conta.cc/1BXvFSj

PRESS RELEASE: For immediate release

Homage to Pietro Annigoni II
Florentine Masters Antonio Ciccone & Luigi Falai
on exhibit in Arezzo from April 12 to 23, 2015

Danielle Villicana D’Annibale, with immense honor, is pleased to present in the exhibition spaces of Via Cavour 85, in Arezzo, an exhibit of two great Masters, Antonio Ciccone e Luigi Falai, both appreciated in all of the world. The two artists give homage to their Master, the magnificent Pietro Annigoni. The bi-solo exhibit of drawing and painting, entitled “Homage to Pietro Annigoni II,” inaugurates Sunday, April 12, 2015, at 6pm. On occasion of the inauguration, journalist Fabrizio Borghini will be present for the transmission of Incontri con l’Arte (Encounters with Art). The exhibit enjoys the collaboration with the Toscana Cultura Association and the Media partner Toscana TV.
The exhibition, curated by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale, with host a selection of drawings realized in charcoal and works painting in oil on canvas. We note that the selection of the works will be slightly different than those that were on exhibit in the first exhibit in 2014, “Homage to Pietro Annigoni” presented in Pontassieve. All the works will be exhibited for the very first time in Arezzo.
The exhibit is visitable, at free entrance, until Thursday, April 23, 2015, with the following hours: Tuesday to Saturday, from 4am to 8pm and by appointment.
Amongst the collateral events, we note the closing event Thursday, April 23, 2015, at 6pm, entitled “Meet with Master Artists Antonio Ciccone and Luigi Falai,” for he who would like to get to know the artists personally.
Two catalogues will accompany the exhibit, created by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale, and will include critical texts by Art Critics Vittorio Sgarbi, Antonio Paolucci, Maurizio Vanni, Tommaso Paloscia e Pier Francesco Listri. They also include texts by Gilberto Grilli and Benedetto Annigoni, the son of Master Annigoni.

Words written about the artists:
“Ciccone observed and studied artists from the Renaissance until today; he was guided by the choice of his great Pietro Annigoni, to whom he dedicated this series of works, arriving at a particular drawing technique that allows one to paint with charcoal without brushes or colors.”
Maurizio Vanni (Metamorphosis Antonio Ciccone, from the text Paint with Charcoal, Pietro Chegai Editore, 2000)

“He was always a part of our home. Ever since, more than forty years ago, Luigi Falai entered my father’s studio, his figure, his cordial and devoted presence, have been an inseparable part of our family. My father had judged him correctly. Luigi was a good man, loyal, passionate, full of qualities and talent. A talent which was mostly expressed by his perception and representation of fleeting seasons, of the peculiarities of different atmospheres, by his way of treating landscape as an expression of the human soul.”
Benedetto Annigoni, son of the Master Pietro Annigoni

Presentation of Danielle Villicana D’Annibale, curator of the exhibit:
“To open our fifth season with artists of such a high level of artists showing in our space at Via Cavour 85 is a dream realized.
My personal journey of life, studying figurative and classical art, brought me to Italy in 1994 and to the studio of Master Silvestro Pistolesi in 1997. Thanks to him, I met Master Luigi Falai, and thanks to Luigi, I met Master Antonio Ciccone. All three are great artists and true Florentine Masters (even if Ciccone is an “Adoptive of Florence).

The first exhibit presented at Pontassieve is where I first became familiar with the works of Antonio Ciccone. His drawings left me literally breathless. It is not by chance that he is considered a premier portraitist of world fame. Such beauty and skill! Technical ability mixed with divine light. He lives a love affair with black and white. “Infinity,” Maestro Ciccone explained to me, regarding his fascination with the circle and the sun, reoccurring entity in his drawings and paintings. Impeccable light, sometimes white light and sometimes warm, as the golden Tuscan light. He mixes a sort of fresh abstraction with realism with his references to precise mathematics: lines and geometry giving homage to Brunelleschi, Master Ciccone explained me, of who he is marveled by for his masterpiece the dome of the Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore, The Dome of Florence. The perfection of the circle and the sun, mathematics, all together create a perfect dynamic setting for his extremely subtle portraits. The works of Master Antonio Ciccone are simply magnificent. Art Critics Vittorio Sgarbi, Maurizio Vanni describe impeccably this Master. Their critical texts are included in the catalogue.

Master Luigi Falai, on the other hand, has a love affair with color and nature. He too gives homage to his most important Master with this series of exquisite oil paintings, with golden delicious colors, choosing dear places where he painted with the Master. The selection is extremely sentimental. The colors in the works of Luigi Falai radiate a light that comes from deep within the heart of man and from the rich Mother earth. Massaciuccoli, explained Master Falai, was a place where he went often with the Master to paint. A magnificent location where the Master had a boat, which a friend gave him as a gift in thanks for a portrait of his wife, where they went to paint in plein air, one of their favorite past times. Castagno d’Andrea is another delightful jewel of nature where the artists of the school of Annigoni would meet and go and paint the Tuscan landscape, the exact city where I met Master Falai , a few years back on visit to my Master Silvestro Pistolesi.
Art Critic Pier Francesco Listri, Gilberto Grilli and Benedetto Annigoni, son of Master Pietro Annigoni, describe accurately Master Luigi Falai. Critical texts are included in the catalogue.

What is so beautiful about this exhibit is not just the works of art, but the love these artists had for their Master. World renowned, famous for his portrait of the Queen Elisabeth II of England and many others, Pietro Annigoni is a Master that deserves even greater world fame and recognition. What is most admirable in the school of Annigoni is the spirit of “bottega” the passing of traditions from painter to painter, artist to artist, the encouragement and the desire of these noted and mature artist to share their masterpieces and exhibit them to Arezzo, not only with the intention to dazzle the viewer with their incredible technical ability, choice of composition and light, but to simply share their great love of drawing and painting and their Master Annigoni and encourage the pursuit for excellence in drawing and painting in their beloved Tuscany.”

Brief biographies:
Antonio Ciccone was born in S. Giovanni Rotondo, in Puglia. In 1954, he moved to Florence where he frequented the studio of Pietro Annigoni, Nerina Simi and the Scuola Libera del Nudo at the Accademia di Belle Arti (Academy of Fine Arts). From 1963 to 1980 he lived between Italy and the United Sates. He has had over 175 solo exhibitions and his works may be found in museums and private collections. He has done numerous portraits, compositions and landscapes, in various techniques: charcoal, china, oil, acrylic and fresco. Considered amongst the principal portrait painters in the world, Ciccone is renowned for his masterful portraits in charcoal and acrylic. From 1986 to 1987 he presented an itinerant exhibit in England and Ireland: Padre Pio and the Gargano. In 1987 he created the fresco Nativity at Ponte Buggianese (Pistoia). In 1992 he was commissioned the work Composition1992-1993 for the Cassa Rurale and Artigiana of San Giovanni Rotondo. Many works may be found in museums and private collections, such as, Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza and Cappuccini Convent of S. Giovanni Rotondo (Foggia); Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, N.Y.; Guild Hall, East Hampton, N.Y.; Forbes Magazine Collection, N.Y.; Dixie Carter Collection, Los Angeles; Robert D. Schweizer Collection, Arizona and Lady Christina Hoare Collection, London. The artist lived and works in Firenze.

Luigi Falai was born in Florence in 1941, where he lives and works. From 1960 he was present in the studio of the painter and copyist Adolfo Tagliaferri, then he enrolled in the Scuola Libera del Nudo of the Accademia di Belle Arti of Florence (Academy of Fine Arts) in 1964, under the instruction of Emanuele Cavalli. In 1967 he began frequenting the studio of master Pietro Annigoni and soon after the studio of Romano Stefanelli, where he learned, amongst the multiple techniques, tempera grassa, fresco and the strappo of fresco. In his career he received prestigious commissions, amongst which we note an oil painting entitled Don Giovanni Bosco tra i giovani for the Salesiano Sanctuary of the Sacred Family in Florence, the frescoes illustrating Il Bacio di Giuda e La consegna delle chiavi a Pietro for the Sanctuary of S. Michele Arcangelo in Ponte Buggianese (Pistoia) and the fresco with I Sacramenti for the church of Sant’Anna in Pietrelcina (Benevento). He has been teaching fresco since 1983 at the American school S.A.C.I. “Studio Art Centers International” of Florence, and since 2001 at the La Bottega del Bon Fresco, opened in the capital of Tuscany, together with colleagues Massimo Callossi and Mario Passavanti. Numerus, his successful exhibits in Italian cities and abroad. Amongst the solo exhibitions are to note: the Institute of Italian Culture of San Francisco in 1991, in New York in 1992, at Perth in Australia in 1993, in Bogotà in Colombia in 1999, at Palazzo Panciatichi, headquarters to the Regional Council of Tuscany in 2012, and in 2014 in Pontassieve at the Casa Rossa.

For further information, please contact Danielle Villicana D’Annibale at danielle@villicanadannibale.com, (+39) 338 600 5593 or visit our website http://www.VillicanaDAnnibale.com.

Please follow and share with Danielle Villicana D’Annibale and Via Cavour 85 on Facebook (@viacavour85Arezzo), Twitter (@ViaCavour85AR), Pinterest (pinterest.com/daniellevillica), YouTube (youtube.com/user/villicanadannibale), Google+ (@Danielle Villicana D’Annibale) o tramite gli hashtags #AntonioCiccone, #LuigiFalai, #OmaggioaAnnigoniII, #ViaCavour85 e #DanielleVillicanaDAnnibale.


Exhibit of drawing painting

“Antonio Ciccone & Luigi Falai: Homage to Pietro Annigoni II”

Sunday, April 12 – Thursday, April 23, 2015

Via Cavour 85 – 52100 Arezzo (AR), Italy

Sunday, April 12 at 6PM with the presence of the artists
and journalist Fabrizio Borghini for the transmission
Incontri con l'Arte (Encounters with Art)

Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 6PM
"Meet with the Master Artists
Antonio Ciccone & Luigi Falai”

created by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale
visible on our website at http://www.VillicanaDAnnibale.com/books

Hours: Tuesday - Saturday from 4PM-8PM and by appointment, (Closed Sunday and Monday)
Web: http://www.VillicanaDAnnibale.com
Web: http://www.AntonioCiccone.com
Web: http://www.ArtistaPittoreLuigiFalaiFirenze.eu
Web: http://www.ToscanaCultura.it

Artist, Curator & Educator - Danielle Villicana D’Annibale
Cell: +39 338 600 5593 Email: danielle@villicanadannibale.com
Light Designer & Installation – Maurizio D’Annibale
Graphic Project – Riccardo Terziani Copy Service D/Sign (AR)



Be a part of contemporary art with Via Cavour 85 and Villa Margherita in Arezzo!
The sponsor of the initiative is Villa Margherita a Paradise for Artists in Tuscany, a project created by Danielle Villicana D’Annibale, artist, curator and educator who believes strongly in the importance of promoting contemporary art. The Californian has a Bachelor of Arts in Art History and the Visual Arts from the United States, a diploma from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in painting (Accademia di Belle Arti Roma) and obtains a Tefl diploma for Teaching English as a Second Language. At Villa Margherita, Danielle offers courses in fresco, oil and acrylic painting, art and English.
All are welcome to visit and discover our creative world, full of flowers and Tuscan colors, immersed in the nature of Alpe di Poti. Join the Villa Margherita International Art Club, membership is free! More information is available on our website http://www.VillicanaDAnnibale.com or by calling Danielle directly at (+39) 338 600 5593.

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