News, United Kingdom, London, 12 November 2014


Rosa Didonna goes live the impeccable knowledge of the city of London, in particular the .Trispace Gallery With the passion that unites the research as a tool for development and dissemination of art in the world. The artistic message of Rosa Didonna has no boundaries, no limits, no speech, no conditions, but unites all peoples in the rejuvenation of art in the world. It is the meeting between their work and the recovery of contemporaneity between Art and universal dialogue. The exhibition communicates the contamination of the places in the diversity of all the arts. It integrates with the context of the territory he is unable to give it new and visibility, raising questions about the type of relationship, stupor, communication, awakening, of focus on primary objective of strengthening the universal creativity in a single imaginary game of art , turning to the memory symbolic of the place that hosts it.
That symbolic place that hosts it. The message of the Sibyl Rosa Didonna consecrated priestess of truth is in the art of the Hermetic writings of the Cumaean Sibyl. Rosa Didonna installed in the exhibition and performance "Two-Faced Woman - Art is my second skin" unprecedented wave of femininity putting in communication the difference of the woman in the West and the East.
The exhibition International Exhibition of Contemporary Art. As for the western woman, the society has developed the system of commodification of the body, the system places the oriental woman still fighting for the future of their children.
To merge these two worlds gold for a totally different world, it seems, Rosa Didonna using an anti-magnetic system in which the two opposites attract and repel each other, an evocation of white fabric that defines the boundary of the space stones surrounded by stoning and violence; while the Western woman wants to be a still-image of the negative message in a positive-negative-positive uniting them in a single emblem imaginary between East and West.
The exhibition in the Trispace Gallery tells of a female body that highlights what the East is veiled, sacred and forbidden.
The common element is the natural seed of renewal rebirth of art in which the same Didonna Priestess in Art, shows his power of Truth Biedrica of both worlds and their countless reflections on history.
Moreover, not only as a form of moralistic tone to his poetry, but follows him through his second skin in a double female figure contaminating the world at the same time, his message of regeneration in the context of today's society. The goal is to lead the viewer into the scene inside his prophetic mime as an active part of the artwork. Everything should be a vision in which everyone can be involved in the rejuvenation of his art.
Biography Rosa Didonna: Family descendant of the noble lineage of accounts from 1797 of the writers of verse printed in the collections of the time. Residents in Turin and then spread in the beloved Puglia. Dama at CCC Assisi Malta.
Author of books - "Omaggio a Fernand Leger" 2P graphics published in the month of February 2004 Noicàttaro (Ba);
"Accendi l’Arte" published Schena Bari in April 2006; "Teatro x Cittadino di Noicàttaro" published by the Graphic 2P Noicàttaro (Ba) with the first printing June 2nd 2005 2nd printing ever published by the Graphic 2P Noicàttaro (Ba) November 26, 2006. the Woman
in Globalization” edited by Schena, Bari in May 2008, "Art is my second skin" published editions Posts
Cassano Murgie (Ba) September 5, 2010. Art Director
of the Gallery of Contemporary Art Globalart Via Ugo Foscolo 29- 70016 Noicàttaro (BA), Italy Rosa Didonna could be called a writer, a poet, an artist, a performer artist in constant search. In her works there is a real historical contamination. Her art shows issues involved in the context of psychological and sociological research topical, highlighting the enigmatic ambivalence of existence with fine intuition introspective. Creative artist, she paints with innovative techniques on substrates screened, often with bright colors, geometric textures, similar to enlarged details of media images formed by tiny pixels, while giving full expression to contents. Her art makes use of a universal language 360° and integrates the various cultures of the world. Her life becomes a theater, the stage in which subjectivity becomesidentifying completely with absolute objectivity in art of rejuvenation. Prestigious Awards of Rosa Didonna:
2003: 1st Prize of Honour Award for International Culture" in Washington USA,1st Prize under A.P. President of the Republic, Corinth (AN),
2003; "3rd Premio De Nittis,2nd Biennale Internazione, Barletta, 2003;"4th National Painting Prize -Noci d'Oro", Noci (BA), 2003;"1st Prize of the Critic, Porto Venere,
2005;"1st National Award City of Manfredonia",
2005 "Art Expo Nice" Award,
2005;"Special Award BrutiArte New Italian Expo - San Sisto of the Vaudois (CS),
2005; "Nobel Prize of art" Monte Carlo,
2005; "High honors" Città di Castello (PG),
2006:International Gallery of Art in Washington1 year exhib.
2007 "1st Prize of Creativity" Monte Carlo,
2007: "Galleries Couteron", Paris cultural donation at Tokyo
2008;"1st Prize", Gjilian, Kosovo
2008: "Le Patio" Gallery Montpellier,
2008:Paris; Personal exhibition at the Foyer Teatro Piccini,Bari.
2008: "Personal exhibition" BLUorG, Bari (ITALY)
2008: "Personal exhibition" Art Gagliano, Bari (ITALY).
2008: "Personal exhibition" Kursaal Saint Lucia "Bari (ITALY)

2009: Galerija ULU Grupa, Galerija Tigor Zagreb (CROATIA)
2010: Personal Certaldo Alto, the Praetorian Palace,Firenze, (ITALY)
2010: Personal exhibition at Capraia Municipality, Firenze.
2011: Apulia Film Commission, 74th Fiera del Levante, (ITALY)
2011:Exhibition perfor. at Castle Marchesale Cass.Murge (ITALY)
2011: Perfor.To be or Appear" Teatro Rossini di Gioia Del Colle,Bari
2011: December 16th Exhibition of Contemporary Artists A Performance Comparison With Conceptual Art Rose Didonna"Eros and Thanatos" Baronial Palace Of Avella, (ITALY)
2012: 54th Biennale di Venezia Exhibition /performance "Art- My second skin" - Eros and Agape, in Xante Battaglia Gallery, Venezia.
2013: June, 55th Venezia Biennale Exhibition /performance
"La Magica Sibilla, art my second skin".
2013: June,Exhibition /performance "The Sibyl. Art - My Second Skin " Ad-Art - Art Exhibition "DREAMS" , Ca 'Zanardi, Venezia.
2013: August, 55th Venezia Biennale - Italian Pavilion Arsenale - Exhibition Perforf."Beyond Life - a body that changes the culture"
2013: August, 55th Venezia Biennale Performance "The Magic Sibyl Art is my second skin" Ca 'Zanardi, Venezia.
2013: Exhibition /performance Castello Svevo of Termoli "Sibilla Castellana" (ITALY)
2013: August, Exhibition /performance Reggia di Caserta in the Hall Caserta (ITALY)
2013: September, Exhibition Arteve Gallery / Art Gallery Gjilan ekspozitè Ndèrkombètare Salloni Vjeshtor International, (KOSOVO)
2013: October, Exhibition /performance 55th Venezia Biennale"The Sibyl Queen of Jerusalem "Art-my second skin" for the Rebirth of Murano Glass, collateral extraordinary - out-of Pavilion Apolide.
2013: October, Exhibition /performance "The newfound Sibyl Queen of Jerusalem," a tribute to the people of Murano at the Lighthouse, the island of Murano, Venezia.
2014: Reggia di Caserta, Special Guest Rosa Didonna "The nymph of Verdi and Wagner."
2014: Exhibition Performance" Galleria20 Torino, (ITALY)
2014: Palace Granafei-Nervegna, Show "Art movement - Performance Art - motion - The Sibyl thoughts in freedom" , Brindisi
2014: Show the exchange of cultures Italy-Albania to Tirana Ekspres (The alternative art space of Tirana) "Communications- contamination" performance "Art is my second skin, La Sibilla Zana Albanian, Tirana (ALBANIA)
2014: The Portrait, "Art- my second skin" - 7th Edition of the Competition Globalart Interrnational Art, Noicàttaro (ITALY).
2014: Exhibition Performance GZ - Basel- of Contemporary International art fair, ,”Art- my second skin" Basel (SWITZERLAND)
2014: Art Basel continues to Globalart "Art is contamination".
2014: Performance "Don/azioni e comunicazioni", Festival Bande a Sud, Marina Casalabate, Lecce (ITALY)
2014: "The Place in Place" Performance at Eremo Club, (ITALY)
2014: Personal exhibition "Communication and Storytelling “
Castello Svevo di Termoli (ITALY)
2014: September 23 Exhibition and Performance "Two-Faced
Woman Art is my second skin" GZ Tunnel - Project 2014
"The Framers Gallery", London, UK.
2014 : 22 october Trispace Gallery Two-Faced Woman Art is my second skin London, UK.

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