Art Platform Sibilla Rosa Didonna
Exhibitions, Germany, Berlin, 25 September 2015
Art Platform Sibilla
Rosa Didonna ARTIST Berlin Art Platform Gallery kunst
We welcome ent at the Inauguration
on Friday 25 September from 7 - 9 pm
Open for the public: 26-27-28 September 11 am - 6 pm
29 September 11 am - 2 pm
Address: KUNST 2015 - Berlin Art Platform - Chausseestr.11 / Entrance Tieckstr. 10115 Berlin
Artistic production of Rosa Didonna with specific projects and cared for the exhibition Art Platform Sibyl in Berlin at the gallery KUNST 2015 - Berlin Art Platform - Chausseestr.11 / Entrance Tieckstr. 10115 Berlin.The Inauguration A beautiful large ground floor gallery in Berlin-mitte located in an area full of important art galleries. (Near Rosenthaler Platz) n-Mitte, Germany.
On Friday 25 September 2015
The production is a series of projects in all arts that connect creative professionals, designers, artists and like-minded people. The biography is career and Portfolio Review at art fairs, art publications and industry workshops. The exhibition Art Platform Sibilla creates a performance with a freshly prepared a second skin, performance for all the trends of tomorrow, for renowned artists. Rosa Didonna creates around itself a mystery that is masked in the game in life. The art in his records and investigates the aging of the world and the endless transformations of everyday life. Rosa Didonna stages in countless ways a possible reflection on contemporary history, also is not limited to shape of moralistic tone to his poetry, but does follow through his second skin a double portrait live and psychological than to historical analysis , in which he explains the moral regeneration of the character in the context of today's society, whose costumes while diverse as the past and the present trace aspects of the style of Sibilla, figure of speech widely used by the author. in the spirit of collaboration and support moralistic dialogue with all people of the world. The exhibition will bring together fans of artists, dealers, collectors, museums and local art galleries and international play an important role in Berlin Art.Didonna could be defined an artist in constant research. In her works there is an actual historical contamination: her art suggests themes which are committed on modern psychological and sociological surveys, highlighting with canny introspective intuition the enigmatic ambivalence of contemporary life. A creative artist, she paints with the newest techniques, often with lively colors, modeling geometric texture on web frames, like tiny pixel shaped enlarged particulars of media pictures, giving at the same time full expressiveness to contents. Her art avails itself of a universal language which goes beyond distance and destroys differences, conferring dignity to all and integrating the varied cultures of the world. Her life becomes stage and theater of a subjectivity turning to objectivity, identifying totally in the absolute of art updating. Critico e storico d’Arte Pietro Marino

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