GlobalPoolParty - Festa dell'arte 2016
Exhibitions, Italy, Bari, Noicattaro, 15 July 2016
GlobalArt, contemporary art gallery is organizing the INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL GLOBALART.

 Intent of this year's edition cards, with the contribution of great artists, as well as emerging artists, an ongoing dialogue between past and present, between stories, disciplines and different looks. Also this year will be a meeting ground between avant-garde and tradition, revolution and conservation, new generations and established names, while remaining true to the quality and excellence of the proposals and by opening its borders to all the most vital artistic expressions and interesting by stages of the world.
 Art, music and special events to celebrate the artistic beauty in all its forms.

 The festival Global Party is structured in four stages pitches:
- The first stage of the Festiva will be held from 15 July to 22 July at 20.00 at Villa Rosy (Torre A Mare, Via Fontana Nuova 5 / B-Ba). During the evening you can take a refreshing dip in the pool under the stars.
 - August 20 to 30 at the Castello Svevo of Termol;
 - September 19 to 24 Angevin Castle of (Ba Mola);
 - September 3 to 13 at the Tower of Torre a Mare (Ba).

 Edited by John Masiello and Sabrina Delliturri
 Poetry edited by Rossana Bucci and Oronzo Liuzzi
 Rosa Didonna Performance
 Giorgia Bartolo, John Ceresoli, Ivan Piepoli
 handmaiden Antonella de Palma

 Amalia has Perrone
 ARTISTS Thomas Maurizio Vitale, Diego Iurilli, Francesca Citarella, Agostino De Santi Abati, Vincent Messelier, Luigi Mastromauro, Rosanna Bucci, Oronzo Liuzzi, Michela Milella, Donato U Ngaro, Francesca Sigrisi
 Francesco Albanian, covenantal Poli, Loredana Messina,
 Alessandro Colucci, Bartus Bartolomes, Francesco Ardito

 Mus. Jumpingthehole Jth can. Massimo Mele
 Dan. Titti Schirone Savino Matera

 It is expected the most famous cocktails of Villa Rosy

 to add other
 The evening will be accompanied by live music.

 You are all invited, we are waiting!
 For info Rosa Didonna Art Director GLOBALART Cell.347 / 1843201 Tel. 080/4782863 Via Ugo Foscolo 29- 70016 Noicattaro (BA) http: /
 /www.rosa Didonna
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