Arte & Arti”, il Forum degli Autori omaggia l’Arte in ogni sua espressione”ARTE-LA MIA SECONDA PELLE” “LA SIBILLA REGINA DI GERUSALEMMECHE
Exhibitions, Italy, Bari, Corato, 29 July 2016
"Art & Art", the Forum of Composers honors the art in all its expressions One summer evening in the elegant and comfortable setting of the cloister of the Town Hall where the guest of honor is the Art, in every sense ROSA DIDONNA who creates his second self, puts on stage the performance "ART-MY sECOND SKIN" "tHE SIBILLA QUEEN oF GERUSALEMMECHE with the aid of a fluid from itself created, the composition that represents a renewal of the world of ' art in our society today. His body is supported by a "living work" and ready to host the canvas skin brushes and colors. Art is wearing the suit through its veins the blood flowing from the wounds is offered in sacrifice to the whole world becoming universal grace source. It is considered a riddle to unravel, experimenter, cutting edge, consecrated "Priestess art", traces the stages of initiation to art with a seer condition, cross-eyed, different, other. And, as today the languages ​​of living a season of trespassing and contamination, its trace a map of the art non-limit. This is the soirée that cultural Association of Writers Forum, sponsored by the City of Corato, intends to set up in the evening on July 29, starting at 20:30 at the event entitled "Art & Art - the pleasure of the five senses ".
Art as all human activity - carried out individually or collectively - which leads to forms of creativity and aesthetic expression, relying on technical devices, innate or acquired abilities and behavioral norms arising from study and experience. The art meaning the ability to convey emotions and subjective messages. Art, as the result of an innate passion that you have the need to express with uncontrollable urge.
A real tribute to the art, that of the Authors Forum which, on the basis that it is "authors" not only in writing but in any form of aesthetic expression of human interiority, will present a symphony of "Art & Art" involving the five senses.
The members of the Forum, Nunzia Bevilacqua, Blessed Caterina, Vito De Leo, Zaccaria Gallo, Pina Grilli, Federico Lotito, Mimmo Mazzilli, Anna and Angela Mininno Strippoli will alternate in the reading and interpretation of poetic songs, narrative and theater, through culture linguistic popular vernacular. They will do their backdrop the screening of the movie on the "Metamorphoses", by the artist Gregorio coratino Sgarra, and framed by the satirical cartoons of Gianni Porcaro.Perseguendo the intent of sharing and constructive contamination with other territorial reality that characterizes the initiatives of Forum of Authors, the event "Art & Art" will have the collaboration of the painter Ezio Carbone Sabino Rinaldi and photographer, as well as the musical performances of classical guitar maestro Giancarlo Di Pierro.Fra Poetry, Theatre, Painting, Music, Comics and Photography, missed the Dance, with the performance of two dancers Michelangelo Caldarola, and Paola Menga, soon to be guests of the '' International Dance "in London. All this, under the careful direction of Antonio Montrone, president of the Forum of Corato Authors.
For info: Rosa Didonna Art Director GLOBALART Cell.347 / 1843201
Tel. 080/4782863 GLOBALART Via Ugo Foscolo 29- 70016 Noicattaro (BA)
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