Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 28 November 2015
"LUX IN-FORMAE"by lorenzoArs

Light is pure energy, but when it merges with matter it becomes shape.Starting from the desire to shape the Light, lorenzoArs wraps the viewer in an imaginative and multi-sensorial experience, that comes to life from the darkness and evolves through the plastic and chromatic behaviour the light energy.
The artist started this long and ambitious project in the '90s, using analogical photographic equipment, colored plastics and direct art actions on Polaroid prints and today, during the International Year of Light 2015 he exhibits the aesthetic of the Light.
The sculptural approach that characterizes his poetry shows how light "form" and "trans- form" the empty space, when it intercepts a sensitive medium.
His "sculptures of light" englobe and then evoke the pictorial matter and the plastic materials, by using the photographic technique.
The molded Light is, in turn, the element of a communication process capable of reaching the truth of the vision and of the perception, placing it as a system in which we can sink with our eyes and our bodies.
A dynamic depth in which the color carries the viewer into an indefinite dimension and and in the emotions aroused by this spatiality.
The sign disappears, the light changes and shapes some appearances.

Subject to the "law of change", it creates harmonies between sensory and transcendence, without any predetermined logic.
The artworks tranform, in fact, the two-dimensional being of the Photography in a "multiple points of view" setting and it captures the glance of those who visit the exhibitions to attract them in a designed three-dimensional space.
You have the sensation of floating in unstable forms, in an environment that the artist has deliberately upset, where the suggestion of the shape is accompanied and merges with that of the observer,expanding the field of the vision and the meaning.

Between density and transparency, light-sculptures emphasize the light-dark dichotomy that does not exclude symbolic values related to Life and body.
The "body of the light" born, it is formed and evolves, creating a tangible immateriality.Imagination, in turn, recreates finitude and infinitude of the forms and makes them available as materials in space.
This series then recombines the physical reality and the apparent one, fusing and con-fusing them to create harmony.
Imaginative passion emerges thankto the genesis of the colors that invade the space, modeling it.
The spatial experience - to which we are subjected - is so intimately connected with the light-space.
Lux-formae will then grow, mutate and evolve in an infinite series, which recalls the ultimate meaning of the experience and its flow.
Not aiming to the uniqueness of the medium but to the expression, lorenzoArs firm the matter-form-light connection showing, at the same time, the unstable boundaries of all the artistic techniques.

Comments 1

8 years ago
lorenzoArs Artist
e con immenso piacere comunico che LUX INFORMAE è stato inserito tra gli eventi ufficiali del UNESCO International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015)
and with great pleasure to inform you that LUX INFORMAE was included among the official events of the UNESCO International Year of Light and Light - Based Technologies (IYL 2015)

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