Workshops , Italy, Roma, 23 May 2013
We’re ready!!! The website of LPM XIII edition is now on-line.
LPM will take place from 23rd to the 26th May 2013 at Sapienza University of Rome, a location that perfectly fits the needs of the Meeting, but also informs the event with a prestigious ‘touch’, both at national and international level.

Startig from today, THE CALL FOR WORKS IS OPEN!

Send us your best project or performance, and come join the biggest live video event worldwide!

We are looking for:

AV Performance
VJ Set *
Live mapping *
Project showcase
Video Installation
* The performances in this category will be included exclusively in the program of the VJ Torna, international contest with prizes awarded in 3 categories.

The registration form is only available on-line and the subscriptions will be accepted until the 22th March 2013

>>>> 2013.liveperformersmeeting.net/participate <<<<

If you wish to participate to the Meeting, but you don’t want to perform, subscribe anyway as you will have an incredible opportunity to meet hundreds of live video artists, experts and practitioners, so to further your knowledge of the hottest topics related to live video performance!

The aim of LPM is to promote and diffuse the free circulation of ideas, knowledge, techniques and languages related to LIVE VIDEO practice, which will be the main focus of the Meeting. 4 days in which there will be a spectacular, innovative and engaging programme, that you too can help make unique.

Languages, techniques, cultural derives, innovative technologies: these are the themes that we want to discuss during our seminars and workshops. Send us your proposal for a talk, a presentation or a workshop and help us spreading knowledge!

Visit the official website:

Stay always up to date with the latest news and follow us on:



LPM is produced and organized by Flyer Communication, Linux Club, FLxER.net, with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Community and Provincia di Roma.

co-organized with:
VJ Torna International – Nonprofit Korlátolt Felel osségu Társaság(HU)
4youreye (AU)
Multitrab Productions Urban No Profitable Company – Athens Video Art Festival (GR)
Institut Français Italia – Suona Francese (FR)
Zètema Progetto Cultura (IT)

in partnership with:
sSHADOWORKSs, Cape Town (ZA)

in association with:
Comune di Roma – Municipio Roma III and Università “Sapienza”

Comments 2

Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
11 years ago
Cat Photographer
Compliments !

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