Ludmila Filippova and Cristiano Cardone shows
Exhibitions, Italy, Grosseto, 02 September 2012
Personal exhibition of painting and photography exhibition Ludmila Filippova personal Christian Cardone, Real Dreams by the cultural association of Tuscania (VT)

Location: "Green Room" and "Red Room" Castle Capalbio (GR)
Opening: Sunday, September 2nd, 2012 at 17:30
Period: 2 to 9 September 2012
Hours: 10:00 to 13:00 / 17:30 to 23:30 every day. Free admission

The Cultural Association of Real Dreams Tuscania (VT), thanks to the City of Capalbio (GR) and the collaboration of the School of Visual Arts Next Tuscania (VT), presents a solo exhibition of paintings by Ludmila Filippova and a solo exhibition of photography Cristiano Cardone, in the beautiful surroundings of Castle Capalbio.
It opens Sunday, September 2nd, 2012 at 17:30 at the Castle of Capalbio (GR), the "Green Room" an exhibition of paintings by Ludmila Filippova and "Red Room" photo exhibition by Cristiano Cardone

Ludmila Filippova was born in Kyrghizstan, oriental country. Inspired by the beautiful countryside of his native country, from early childhood, she discovered a passion for art, music and poetry, which over the years has turned into an intense love, and even in his profession. In 2005, after graduating in piano performance degree from the Conservatory in Bishkek, he moved to Italy, where he began his career first as a student of the School of Visual Arts Next Tuscania (VT) and then as an independent artist. Participated in numerous exhibitions of art and painting, as a member of the cultural Dreams Real. The uniqueness of his painting is a synthesis between Eastern and Western cultures and traditions of a completely different, characterized by a strong desire to see and express the beauty of the surrounding world, painting with very vivid colors.

Cristiano Cardone was born in Viterbo, avid photographer and lover of travel, has combined these two things and making traveling photographic reports, sensitive to the nature and diversity of people, tries to capture the colors, the nuances and special beauty with photographs that capture details particularly emphasizing the diversity of people in different cultures; look through photographs to convey as much about what is the humanity that surrounds us, its beauty, its contradictions, its peculiarities.

Comments 1

Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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