ANDREA BENETTI - Abstraction of the origins
Exhibitions, Italy, Lecce, 25 June 2015
Thursday, June 25 (until July 18) will be opened in Lecce, near the Castle of Charles V, the art project "Abstraction of the origins", an exhibition with 25 works on canvas by Andrea Benetti, internationally known artist and author of the Manifesto 'Art Neorupestre, presented at the 53rd Venice Biennale and the presentation of the work of video art "essentia".

The project entitled "Origins of Abstraction" promoted and sponsored by the City of Lecce and Italian by the Cultural Art Promotion is edited by Professor Toti Carpentieri. It consists of an exhibition of paintings by Andrea Benetti Neorupestre inspired abstraction of the origins and the presentation of the work of video art entitled "essentia", produced by Basmati Film and produced by Andrea Benetti, Audrey and Saul Coianiz Saguatti, with music Frank Nemola and Andrea Benetti. The work of video art has already premiered in April, the exhibition of Andrea Benetti held at the Chamber of Deputies.
"Origins of Abstraction" is born from the creative research of Andrea Benetti, that channeling their experience in the project, combining the painting to music and video art, mixing acoustic and visual sensations, creates a bridge between the origins of man and the contemporary, focusing on today's way of communicating, based on iconography and tended to exaggerate the simplifications, like a return to origins. A striking analogy behind the project, which shows that the most common communication devices and entertainment, in widespread use in contemporary society, man interacts mainly through the use of the two directions, which act as earners images and sounds, or the sight and hearing. Television, internet, video phone, handheld computers are now a way to use mass with which we perceive and transmit the reality or the illusion of it, right through those two senses. Here then through a transfiguration and revisiting ideal, realized by Andrea Benetti, with the invaluable participation of Audrey Coianiz, Frank Nemola and Saul Saguatti, between dream and reality symbolically relive the colors and sounds of the origins; the colors and the sounds that our ancestors, at the dawn of humanity, for the first time discovered and used it to communicate with the world. Andrea Benetti, creator of the "Manifesto of the art Neorupestre", who presented at the 53rd Venice Biennale, for several years turns his own research on the painting Rock, making them tribute with works that revisit and transfigured. He begins with the notion that in the painting Rock were already contained all future ways of painting, including figurative, abstract art, symbolism and the conceptual. Using the canvas as support, his works are formed by reliefs made with gesso to emulate symbolically ledges of the cliffs; The relief is then aged with natural substances (coffee, henna, cocoa, turmeric, etc.) and made like a chromatically different minerals, before moving to the final phase, in which come into play oil paints.

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