inMovimento by Andrea Benetti
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 26 January 2017
inMovimento Andrea Benetti
by Ilaria Schipani
26> 01/29/2017
Inauguration at 18:00 of 27/01/2017
Saturday from 10:00 to 00:30
Former Hospital of Bastardini
Via Massimo D'Azeglio, 41- 40123 - Bologna



Colored earth, rusts and engravings give life to contemporary petroglyphs whose subjects are no longer spoils of hunting and battles between early humans and animals, but the most celebrated symbols of our era: cars, airplanes, trains, the legendary Vespa 50 Special, means of transport that allow man to be always 3.0 inMovimento and Andrea Benetti uses to bring us back instead of back in time, as is usually done through its Art Neorupestre. Based on the reproduction of the manner of the primitive, the art of Benetti reflects the style of ancient carvings in caves, omaggiandone the discovery and initiation same art and abstract art.
The reference prehistoric art is an attempt to Benetti and an invitation to reflect on the present by a comparison with the past. The artist, like a modern primitive who does not resign and is overwhelmed by the frantic advance of progress, "suspend" and affects, like his ancestors, symbols and imagery of the most current lifestyle, golf courses, boats, boats that parade in sea ​​as in the most common advertising holidays in seaside resorts. And there emerges an original time jump that this compound and the past, prehistoric and popular. Pop iconography (historica), where geometric and elementary forms, typical of the early designs, are now the backdrop and decorating samples of means with two and four wheels. Multiple figures fill the floors of plaster reliefs, sometimes hanging on monochromatic backgrounds, sometimes they rank as the most fortunate fate of slot machines.
The progress is evident. Compared to the wishes and needs of our ancestors, there is a change of perspective, of interests, of modern man's references. And Benetti enacts this change, of course if you consider only the time factor, but not so obvious if one looks ahead to the present and especially the future that will be. Wasps, like centaurs, take half the appearance of animals. And here that the origins always come back, you require, we can not disregard our nature and our roots. The constant presence of flora and fauna is a time to remind our guests to be on Earth, although in the works of Benetti living with the man be cumbersome and its products is more idyllic than it actually is. But it is part of the artist's message is an invitation to reflection and comparison. The earth, the men, all the machines in motion, continuous advance ... but in this "great acceleration" where is the finish line?

Ilaria Schipani

Comments 2

Barbara Ghisi
7 years ago
Maria Cristina  Neviani
7 years ago

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