Exhibitions, Italy, Grosseto, 19 May 2012

It will be inaugurated Saturday, May 19 at 17.30 at the Ass. It Grossetana Fine Arts in the historic center of Grosseto, the exhibition "Meeting Abstract" Mauro Ceselli and Michela Volpini.
The hall dell'AGAF host a series of works characterized by pleasant color intensity and color combinations that allow the viewer to imagine the movement.
The works of Mauro Ceselli show the emotion of his unconscious and turns it into direct images to affect the mood of the observer. Ceselli paints with his soul, regardless of form, and market trends. As soon as you find yourself in front of his canvases are catapulted into a dimension that does not belong to our time: there is no trace of this and you feel something mysterious, fascinating and disturbing. Strong evocative lyricism. (Pesare Antonia).
Those Michela hit me for the strong evocative power of form: full-bodied, dense, bending the eye of the viewer emotion and records the changes of mood.
The works of two artists invite the viewer to an intense reflection on reality.
The exhibition will be open until May 26, 2012 daily from 17:00 to 20:00.
Ceselli Mauro, was born in Grosseto October 3, 1962. It has always been passionate about painting and art lover. Self-taught, began painting from the early '90s using various techniques. His passion is the color linked to matter and the ongoing search for new mixes and shades (enamels, thinners, acrylic, oils, pastels, bitumen, gypsum and sand). The images obtained appear as a chaotic tangle of colored marks where you can not recognize any form. He has always painted for pleasure personnel never opening his art to the public, however, until 2006 when this knowledge with the artists Grossetana Visual Arts Association (AGAF) has made known in numerous group and solo. Some works by Mauro Chisels are in private collections in Italy and France.
Michela Volpini is a self-taught painter born in Gradoli (VT) 30 June 1968 and lives in Grotte di Castro (VT), where he worked in the studio. It 'a self-taught painter who has entered the art world, beginning to get interested in painting, just a year ago.
Michela has kept his personal set up at Istanbul Cafe in Capalbio in April 2011, SUB ROSA Enoteca in Viterbo in June of that year; Montefiascone (VT) in August 2011 on the occasion of "The Wine Fair" and, in September 2011, at Grotte di Castro (VT) on Long Lake Grotte di Castro (Lake Bolsena). He participated in ArtExpò011 in December 2011 - January 2012 Pitigliano (GR), and, in January 2012, he participated in "From the forties to the new generation" at Castel Gandolfo (Rome).
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Comments 12

Barbara Ghisi
12 years ago
Brava e auguri!
Gennarino Salvo
12 years ago
L'ho vista, belle opere, interessanti e suggestive. Auguri.
12 years ago
Complimenti e buon lavoro!
Anna Gatto
12 years ago
Anna Gatto Artist
Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
Michela Volpini
12 years ago
grazie a tutti di cuore un bacione
12 years ago
Auguri Auguri Baci & Abbracci ))
Alessandro Lato
12 years ago
Un grande in bocca al lupo!!!!!!
claudia romiti
12 years ago
Auguri e in bocca al lupo!
Souad Nasr Makhoul
12 years ago
best wishes!
Paul De Haan
12 years ago
Paul De Haan Artist
Good luck!!!
Marianna Merler
12 years ago

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