THE NATIONLESS PAVILION - A process to represent the 25th Nation – Venice
News, Italy, Venezia, 08 May 2015
The Nationless Pavilion first appointment:
ROUNDTABLE (SaLE Docks) // May 8, 2015, 3.00 – 5.30 pm
Rendering a Nation: The Territories of the Dispossessed

Refugees, migrants, artists and humanitarians will discuss the notion of a Nationless Pavilion from their own expertise and experience. The meeting will take place around a table prepared with texts, objects, photos, documents and sources linked to the interventions.
The talk will seek to better define the idea of a “nation” whose existence is based on common needs and experiences and opposed to territorial integrity.
Further the talk seeks to discuss how the notion of a pavilion and the artistic practice it includes can address the challenges of dispossession. The idea of a Nationless pavilion requires that we rethink notions of borders, identity, belonging and exclusion. The challenge is to find an element that embodies a place of belonging – one with an artistic practice relates both to social facts and imaginative possibilities.
The focus will go to “the Nationless”: 51.5 million people registered as political refugees, that if considered as a to move from the abstraction of a number to the human beings with their physiognomies, visions and narratives.

Guests: Jowan Akkash (journalist, Syrian refugee) - Mohammad Al Husain (doctor, refugee) - Federica Araco (journalist, Babelmed) - Marco Baravalle (Sale Docks) - Gregory Beals (photographer, journalist) - Elena Bellantoni (artist) - Giorgio de Finis (MAAM, Museo dell’altro e dell’altrove) - Nathalie Galesne (journalist, Chief editor Babelmed) - Rosa Jijon (artist) - Francesco Martone (activist, Comitato Giustizia per i nuovi Desaparecidos nel Mediterraneo) – Costanza Meli (Associazione Isole) - Cesare Pietroiusti (artist) - Alessandra Pomarico (curator, Free Home University) - Lorenzo Romito (Stalker / Osservatorio Nomade) - Federico Simonti (writer) - Don Mussie Zerai (President A.H.C.S, Agenzia Habeshia per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo).
Visual contributions: Gregory Beals, Elena Bellantoni, Shady El Noshokaty, Rosa Jijon, Stalker/Osservatorio Nomade, Calixto Ramirez Correa, Emanuele Satolli.

☛ Nation 25 is an art platform that seeks to shine a light on the lives of refugees, migrants and the internally displaced.
The project through politics and art seeks to examine critical questions around the desire and experience of flight: the nature of borders, crossing and drift, the geography of fear, resilience and imaginative places of safety.

☛ The first project of Nation 25 is The Nationless Pavilion, as this territory merits representation among the nations at the Venice 56th Biennale, in comparison with the system of national pavilions: a foundational and critical gesture at the same time, an act to rethink the concept of nation. The project will open in Venice with a series of collective moments from the 6th of May till the 22nd November: open call, performance and laboratory.

Nation 25 | The Nationless Pavillion
Curatorial team: Sara Alberani, Elena Abbiatici, Caterina Pecchioli
Scientific Committee: Gregory Beals, Francesco Martone
From an idea by Sara Alberani and Gregory Beals

BabelMed, Committee for Justice and Truth for new Mediterranean Desaparecidos, Free Home University, Habeshia Agency for the cooperation to the development (A.H.C.S), MAAM Museo dell’altro e dell’altrove, Sale Docks.


Address S.a.L.E. Docks:
Magazzini del Sale, Dorsoduro 265, near to Punta della Dogana, Venezia.

​Photo credit:
Gregory Beals (graphic elaboration), Refugees arrive to the coast of Sicily during Operation Mare Nostrum 2014

Comments 1

Suzan a1qq Hijab
9 years ago
It has many advantages, it was a dream of mankind as we melt together.
The disadvantages of the movements are the destruction of identities.
we are only one identity with many colors. this is not the badly but the fight starts new one against all or all against a ONE. It's about awareness that the majority does not possess. then does not matter who we are, where we come from or the equitable distribution of the world. because the fast-earning capital stands in the way.

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