Amico Mare
Exhibitions, Italy, Modena, 05 May 2012
Exhibitions, Italy, May 5, 2012
friend the sea
Gabriele Parenti, self-taught painter, participates in the exhibition of contemporary painting "SEA FRIEND" organized and curated by Giuliart in the beautiful city of Modena
The spirit of the initiative is to meet, discuss, get to know one who knows or loves or just wants to get in contact with painters, contemporary painters.
There are 4 openings, accompanied by sospirito dell'iniziativattofondo musical theme,
every Saturday in May, from 5 to 5 pm, at the Laboratory Joyously Studio Art
Gabriele Parenti will present one of his works "Carousel of the Sea" from Saturday, May 12.


MODENA, 48 Modonella Street, the historic center (2 windows).

The exhibition will be open every afternoon of the week, from 16 to 19.

You will receive a certificate of participation and I'm waiting: GiuliArt :: -)) @
phone: 3925,762,178.

Comments 2

Nanouk Reicht
12 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
j'aime beacoup.
12 years ago
Cat Photographer
Bravo ! :)

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