Art Gallery Museum NabilaFluxus
Ex Chiesa S.Antonio Piazza La Rotonda Badoere Di Morgano (Treviso) Italy
Susy Norfini & Virgy Milici
Artiste a confronto
VERNISSAGE : Sabato 27 Ottobre 2012 - Ore 17.30
He wants to be a mathematical calculation "bust" and emotional. An exhibition created by transmitting emotions daily (or almost) via SMS. A performance created in a space-time "distance-emotion = action"
Thinking emotions in a dimension space-time (real)-distance communication, we think of a transmission emotional distance by creating inner emotional manifestations that can be interpreted by projecting and externalizing emotional transmission through painting, drawing, coloring, or just tracking the perception other emotional received via SMS. Thought-expressed emotion of the moment felt that we went through. Moving beyond one o'clock ATRA only constraint is the time for action: an emotion to group a day during the week and develop in a work week. the amount of the canvas and the size of the canvas 50x50 cm = 50 (25 works by artist's work number "25 will be the portrait mutual distance always so imaginative). Susy and Virgy a daily challenge shared emotional but lived in complete solitude. Here is a hint here is to move "Iosolismo." The artists share their emotions but interpret them in their most complete emotional loneliness, and every one interprets the emotion of the other with his own feelings, paint through his emotion without it will affect any technique of painting movement .. Releasing the solitude of his own "IO-G-ISMO." Emotions transposed collide and help in the mental structure leaving visions seen sensations perceived, intuited that change in size coloristic and pictorial material- materializing the work, freeing herself from the artistic traditions. Releasing and thus creating an "unknown" leaving room for your "I" and a final result that may surprise the artist himself. opening of the exhibition, the artist presents Virginia Milici officially The Manifesto "IO-G-ISMO". art movement of his idea.Invitando Susy Norfini to sign
Text Of Movement "IOSOLISMO" by Dr. Valtero Curzi (Critical D'Arte Philosopher)
All artists who are recognized can freely sign the Manifesto
Orari : Tutti i Giorni 10.30/12.30-15.00/19.00 Possono subire cambiamenti info
Ingresso Libero
Vernice :Ore 17,30
Recapiti info:http// ,e-mail
-Curatrice:Virginia Milici
Testi Critici Dr.Valtero Curzi Filosofo
Grafiche,Patrik Francescato
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