Exhibitions, Italy, Brindisi, 28 November 2013
Our Committee is glad to award you the distinguished International Prize CASTLES OF APULIA in the magnificent castle in Carovigno (Br) in south Italy. There will be also an art exhibition from 28th November to 7th December in the same castle. The artist can send a work of art (small/medium size) to the address given below, if he/she wishes, or else he/she may decide to take only part in the prize.
Castles of Apulia is dedicated to a notable woman, a strong and educated lady coming from Austria, who added lustre to the castle’s name: the countess Elisabetta Schlippenbach.
The prize-giving ceremony will take place on Saturday, 7h December at 06.00 p.m. On the occasion of this great event, the artist will receive the remarkable prize, a short art critic and the official art catalogue of the event in the presence of local authorities, journalists, and Art Academy Professors. Furthermore, the names of all the artists will be published in well-known national art magazines.

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