La faccia omessa (The omitted face)
Exhibitions, Italy, Genoa, Genova, 21 January 2006

A collective exhibition of contemporary Art that invites to probe our society, in its hidden sides. Nay, omitted.
So, as the Moon shows always the same face, what is surrounding us represents just a part of the reality, while the hidden side is omitted: for fear, for disgust, for intolerance, for refusal.
Let us try to circumnavigate the appearance with the guide of this small but interesting exhibition, where the artists Benna, Fooser, Giacometti, Manotti, Mary M. and Massa propose a variety of paint and photographic artworks, in the search of a global vision, completed with the invisible. Starting from the individual.

A painting by Abramo “Tepes” Montini has been the special guest of the exhibition.


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