Angela Loennig
Artist, Athens, Greece, joined 12 years ago
Exhibitions, Greece, Athens, 18 May 2015
On Monday 18/5 at 19:30p.m at City Hall Papagou-Cholargos is my opening of my solo exhibition "All about love". The duration will be up to 23/5. Opening hours: 11:00a.m - 14:00p.m & 18:00p.m - 21:00p....Read all
Interviews, United States, Florence, 17 September 2014
Lauren Bacall is one of my favourite actresses. I am so honored that my painting of her portrait is on the cover of She and I am so grateful for painting a legend as Lauren. I will have to admit that...Read all
Interviews, United States, Florence, 17 September 2014
I am so grateful for my collaboration with She Magazine!
Once again thank you so much!
3 more of my works on pages
51-Grace Kelly
69-Audrey Hepburn
98-Elizabeth Taylor
Interviews, United States, Florence, 08 September 2014
Interviews, United States, Florence, 08 September 2014
Interviews, United States, Florence, 08 September 2014
A tribute to Fatima Tomaeva Gabellini
Interviews, United States, Florence, 08 September 2014