Exhibitions, Italy, Padova, 08 November 2012
ArtePadova 2012,
XXIII edition of the Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibition:
get ready: it will be the end of the world!

Vernissage 8 november 2012
Expo: 9. 10. 11. 12 november 2012

The Mayans predicted that the world will end in 2012. We know that such prophecies make no real difference, of course, but maybe the Mayans centuries ago had reasoned their SAVE THE DATE on a real event: ArtePadova 2012, the Market Exhibition dedicated to Modern and Contemporary Art, reaching this year its XXIII edition, will definitely be “the end of the world”!
A “Lady” who wrote the history of art fairs in Italy, ArtePadova, always elegant and sparkling with 22 spectacular editions behind... and yet so young, so dynamic, so full of proposals, so beautiful!
This Lady celebrates this year its twenty-third mise en scene with the most glamour and chic artistic and cultural event which boasts the city of Padova.
Because ArtePadova is an unquestionable MUST both for the collectors, who will always sniff good businesses among the top-level proposals that the most important and renowned national and international galleries concentrate in Padova, and for all the fans who this year will enjoy wandering in an ArtePadova fair designed with the grandeur of the boulevards.
A triumphant restyling is announced for ArtePadova in this XXIII edition, with Halls 7, 8 and 78 of the Padova Fairground redesigned and organized into six long corridors that let the visitor move along the 23.000 sqm exhibition like the protagonist of a defilé: the best masterworks of art of the modern and contemporary art scene will overlook his passing to charm and seduce him.
Real masterpieces of art: the great masters of the twentieth century and the most popular artists in today's art market,
among which we can mention: Accardi, Afro, Arman, Baj, Balla, Boetti, Burri, Carrà, Christo, Clemente, De Chirico, De Pisis, Dorazio, Fontana, Guttuso, Haring, Hartung, Klee, Magritte, Mathieu, Matta, Morandi, Picasso, Pistoletto, Rosai, Rotella, Santomaso, Sassu, Schifano, Sironi, Soffici, Soldati, Tamburi, Vasarely, Vedova, Warhol, up to the original proposals from emerging artists.
In its promenade sur l'art the spectator to ArtePadua will talk with the most representative and popular art movements of the twentieth century, ranging from Expressionism to Surrealism, from Futurism to Dadaism and from Cubism to Abstractism, not to mention Informal Art, Spatialism, Conceptual Art, Nouveau Réalisme, Pop Art, Arte Povera, Graffiti Art and Transavantgarde.
And since this is a real event, as a corollary of the exhibition we have important site-specific meetings. With an eye on the continuous renewal and to meet the demands of an increasingly hard to please and prepared audience the proposal will range from the awaited art-talks to the meetings with artists, art dealers, art experts, journalists, critics, collectors and enthusiasts.
A rich and elaborate cultural program, a full calendar of meetings and discussions intended to stimulate reflection on contemporary issues of art and collectibles.
ArtePadova 2012 thus offer its visitors many opportunities for study and comparison with debates, conferences, side exhibitions, in a continuous blend between art, culture, economy, market and territory.

The spotlight is also on CAT ArtePadova: a Contemporary Art Talent Show with a special proposal “under 5.000”, which puts at the disposal of associations, groups and emerging artists a window of great visibility at very competitive prices, revised to allow their talent to be exposed, pampered and cared for as if they were great masters. Room for creativity, then, in Hall 1, while Hall 3 will be the nerve center of art making, hosting laboratories, workshops and performances dedicated to new forms of expression.
CAT will be the melting pot where young artists converge to exchange ideas and receive suggestions, an unparalleled artistic laboratory with some friendly, à la page cultural proposals that will surely excite and engage audiences.
ArtePadova 2012, XXIII edition of the Modern and Contemporary Art Exhibition: get ready: it will be the end of the world!

And do not forget to visit our partners: friend stores. Stores that join our network by exposing the ARTEPADOVA logo on their windows and offer free tickets to the fair to their customers.

You find all relevant informations on the website: www.artepadova.com
Follow “Arte Padova 2012” on facebook
link: https://www.facebook.com/ArtePadova2012?ref=ts

Visiting hours: 9 november till 12 november: Friday, Saturday and Sunday h 10.00 – 20.00; Monday h 10.00 – 13.00
Opening (by invitation): Thursday 8 November ore 18.00
Place: Padova Fiere, via Niccolò Tommaseo, Padova
Entrance: Pedestrian access, via Niccolò Tommaseo
Car access, via Goldoni - Park Nord, gate “E”

Organization office: Nef Srl
via A. Costa, 19 – 35124 Padova
Tel + 39 049 8800305; fax + 39 049 8800944

Press office ArtePadova 2012:
dr. Barbara Codogno
cell: 349 5319262

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