Premio CATS 2012
Prize calls, Italy, Padova, 13 June 2012
Promoting the future of art. Keeping this intention in mind ArtePadova - historical Exhibition of Modern and Contemporary Art, now in its XXIII edition - opens its enrollment to participate in the CATS Prize 2012. The section CATS - CATS Contemporary Art Talent Show - devoted to accessible art and born within ArtePadova will be held in parallel to ArtePadova from 9 to 12 November 2012.
CATS was created according to specific needs: many speak of accessible culture. Few of them create real conditions for the culture to bloom. Many speak of promoting youth talent. Very few contribute in order that emerging talents can enjoy the spaces and visibility usually reserved to the great masters. Many speak of benefiting young people wanting to enter the art market. No one does.
For this reasons ArtePadova decided to establish an award, to prove that CATS promotes the future of art - and not just in words. All the exhibiting artists who want to enroll for the prize will be assessed by a jury, made ​​up of a committee of experts.
All participants will be offered a concrete, double opportunity: not only an award that will provide the winners of a major cash prize, the winners will also be honored with a substantial discount on the acquisition of a stand to participate to the fair next year.
Many artists, gathered under the auspices of an association or a foundation or a young gallery, participate in CATS by instituting a temporary micro collective, that is, dividing the stand space with other young artists. If one of these artists would be particularly valuable enough to be awarded by the jury and the Scientific Committee, he/she would get not only the money prize but also a voucher for the purchase of a personal exhibition space for the CATS 2013 edition.
This important promotion policy created by Nicola Rossi, artistic director of ArtePadova and CATS, aims to give new talents a chance to consolidate their name in the territory, to enter actively into the art market and also helps them to invest in visibility, offering them a huge advantage on the promotion of their presence in what has been for years the most important showcase of the northeast.
Fifteen among all participants will enter the final round and will be rewarded with a silver plaque of recognition from the jury. Amongst these 15, a second skimming will select the top 5 - the first, second and third prize, and two ex-aequo fourth prizes will receive the money, the coupon on the issue in 2013 and the resulting visibility.
CATS: Art under 5000 to make a dream possible and a prize to promote the future of art.

For info on the awards and enrollment to the CATS 2012 prize, please contact directly NEF, our organization office:
Organization office: Nef Srl
via A. Costa, 19 – 35124 Padova
Tel + 39 049 8800305; fax + 39 049 8800944

You find all relevant informations on the website:
Follow “CATS” on facebook

From November 9 to 12, Friday 9, Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 from 10.00 - 20.00, Monday 12th from 10.00 to 13.00
Opening (by invitation): Thursday 8 November at 18.00
Place: Padova Fiere, via Niccolò Tommaseo, Padova
Entrance: Pedestrian access, via Niccolò Tommaseo
Car access, via Goldoni - Park Nord, gate “E

Press office Arte Padova 2012:
dott.ssa Barbara Codogno
cell: 349 5319262

Comments 1

Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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