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Comments 8

Anna Di Leo
10 years ago
Anna Di Leo Artist
Congratulations on your interview Anastasia. I also love very much citrus fruits, are the fruits of my region, the Sicily.
roberto gavazzi
10 years ago
all your works are full of poetry .. congratulations
10 years ago
Cat Photographer
Compliments !
Paul De Haan
10 years ago
Paul De Haan Artist
Bella l'intervista e questo cielo che hai scelto come copertina!
Loredana Sansavini
10 years ago
Loredana Sansavini Photographer
Molto bella. Congratulazioni!!!
emilia rebuglio
10 years ago
franco fasano
10 years ago
franco fasano Artist
Mi piace, hai creato un'atmosfera particolare.
Lucia Ghirardi
10 years ago

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