JDA gallery long term exhibition
Exhibitions, Poland, Wrocław, 18 April 2014
My long term exhibition with JDA Gallery in Poland with 15 paintings
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Comments 15

Anastasia Rapantzikou
10 years ago
Thank you all very much for your comments!!!!
Paul Brotherton
10 years ago
Paul Brotherton Designer, Painter
Many congratulations Anastasia for this achievement!
Anna Di Leo
10 years ago
Anna Di Leo Artist
Auguri Anastasia! Ti auguro di avere tanto successo!
AMARS Alf of mars
10 years ago
si !
Manuela Vincenti
10 years ago
Paul De Haan
10 years ago
Paul De Haan Artist
Complimenti e in bocca al lupo!
Loredana Sansavini
10 years ago
Loredana Sansavini Photographer
emilia rebuglio
10 years ago
Complimenti ed auguri!
giulio micheletti
10 years ago
complimenti brava Anastasia
10 years ago
Nury Artist

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