The Artistic Collage "Landscapes of Italy", Gualdo Tadino successfully inaugurated
Exhibitions, Italy, Perugia, Gualdo Tadino, 16 September 2017
The inauguration was opened with the cut of the ribbon and the greetings of Mayor Massimiliano Presciutti, curator Dr. Catia Monacelli Catia Monacelli, Director of the Polo Museale and curator of the exhibition and Daniela Menichini, Polo Museale Città di Gualdo Tadino.
Dr. Catia Monacelli presented the exhibition highlighting the importance of the landscape in the works of the greatest artists, landscape not only represented, but lived, perceived, elaborated in the artistic works of each artist. The location is of great importance in the gallery space of Casa Cajani Cultural Center, which includes the Archaeological Museum of Antichi Umbri and the Ceramic Museum
The experience was very positive, the welcome was great, the presence of many artists was an important occasion for meeting and sharing the artistic experiences of everyone.
The Art Collective has been cared for in every detail, with an accurate promotion. I highly appreciate the tribute to every artist, the photos that were instantly inserted in the Polo Museale Rocca Flea website and the free admission for every artist with accompanying companion, to all the important exhibitions and museums of Gualdo Tadino.
Thank you!
The artists:
Guido Alimenti, Maristella Angeli, Marisa Bellini, Patrizia Canola, Franco Cappelli, Alberto Capponi, Laris Conti, Florinda Giannone, Lorenzo Montagni, Otello Natalini, Judith Mary Offord, Stefania Palazzetti, Piergiuseppe Pesce, Lisistrata Simone, Deniz Tuncer.
The exhibition, sponsored by the Municipality of Gualdo Tadino, is open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until November 19th with free admission. For more information you can write to, or call 075 9142445.

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Comments 28

Maristella  Angeli
6 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Grazie, cara Sandra!
Un abbraccio.
Sandra Ongari
6 years ago
Sandra Ongari Artist
Complimenti per tutto cara Maristella!!!! il quadro è bellissimo!!!!
Maristella  Angeli
6 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Grazie mille, Maria Maddalena!
Maristella  Angeli
6 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Grazie mille, Monica!
Maristella  Angeli
6 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Grazie, carissima Tanya!
Maristella  Angeli
6 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Grazie, cara Enza!
Maria Maddalena Sposito
6 years ago
6 years ago
catto_art Premium Artist, Painter, Video artist
Complimenti Maristella, l'opera che hai presentato è davvero bella!
Tanya Bartolini
6 years ago
Enza De  Paolis
6 years ago

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