Successfully completed last night 23 September 2017 Virtual Resistence of the artist Maristella Angeli
News, Italy, Roma, 23 September 2017
Important news about my virtual personal art. An article that made me happy.
I thank you all and the very efficient staff of the Grifio Art Gallery, Rome.
A hug.
Successfully completed last night 23 September 2017 Virtual Resistence of the artist Maristella Angeli
Last night, Maristella Angeli's staff, an artist capable of expressing deep concepts combined with a personal technique that could extrude on the colors and shapes, emotions and reflections, ended last night.
With a total of 3,260 visitors, it is about to become the most respected staff of the last few years. To continue to follow the artist, we leave the link to a portfolio with which you can also contact:
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Comments 21

Maristella  Angeli
7 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Grazie mille, cara Francesca!
Maristella  Angeli
7 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Merci, chère Catherine!
francesca furin
7 years ago
Complimenti cara Maristella!!!!
7 years ago
Cat Photographer
Maristella  Angeli
7 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Grazie, cara Teresa!
Maristella  Angeli
7 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Grazie mille, cara Barbara!
Teresa Palombini
7 years ago
Auguri Maristella!!
Barbara Ghisi
7 years ago
Complimenti cara!!
Maristella  Angeli
7 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Grazie, cara Chiara!
Chiara Ciccone
7 years ago
Chiara Ciccone Architect, Artist
Congratulazioni, Maristella!

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