For the second year the curators Sandro Carloni and Alberto Copparoni, with the patronage of the Municipality of Falconara Department of Culture and the Regional Council of the Marche, have succeeded in carrying out the exhibition, with the aim of enhancing the contemporary artistic expression and making it more usable.
Giorgio Gregorio Grasso, historian and art critic, will present the Art Collective "The creative art that knows how to excite" the Marche coast and its territory in the contemporary, underlining its value.
The exhibition will remain open, the exhibition will remain open from September 14th to 29th, at the following times: Tuesday to Friday from 9.30am to 6.30pm, Saturday and Sunday from 10.30am to 12.30pm and from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.
September 14th at 17.00
CART Museum of the Pergoli Center, Piazza Mazzini Falconara Marittima
In photo, my painting on display.
The artists: Adino Amagliani, Ulderigi Amneris, Maristella Angeli, Guido Armeni, Carlo Barchiesi, Alice Barigelli, Rita Bellagamba, Claudio Buffarini Tenenti, Gaetano Carboni, Sandro Carloni, Laura Carrera, Vincenzo Cestarelli, Alberto Copparoni, Silvio Craia, Elena Cusati, Giorgio Cutini, Gigi D'Addario, Rosetta Del Prete, Matteo D'Errico, Fausto Duca, Antonio Fontana, Michele Gaggiano, Gabriella Giuliodori, Mauro Graziani, Marica Kulik, Tiziana Marzialetti, Moiyrim, Carla Pistola, Alceo Pucci, Gaia Roganti, Silvano Sangiorgi , Sara Inoelis Sileoni, Antonio Soccio, Lucia Spagnuolo, Maryni Svitlana, Sauro Tupini.
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