between uncertainty and hope
Exhibitions, Italy, Trento, 28 July 2013
solo exibition of artist Annalisa Lenzi

From July 28 to August 17, 2013

Antica Pieve S.s James and Christopher
Via Vittorio Emanuele
38055 Trento Grigno

Vernissage Sunday, July 28 11:30 am

Opening hours:
from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 12 and from 15 to 18

Precariousness and Hope.
Two terms that describe the ever-changing, and complex current reality, find their graphic form in the works of Anna Lenzi, on display until August 17 Antica Pieve di Grigno in an exhibition that seems to be the emblem of our time.
Curated by Aurora Minati and sponsored by the City of Orlando and the U.S. Library Grigno Gasperini, the project has the ambition to tackle the parallels between artistic creation and balances more uncertain than ever as today in all its manifestations characterize contemporary society.
Through different techniques, from painting on stone with large canvases painted in acrylic and oil, to the most recent installations, Annalisa investigates the condition and destiny of man.
Focal point and theme of his painting seems to be the thin line that separates the nightmare dream, the reality of the vision, from the rational uncertain.
Doubt, loneliness, uncertainty, instability are the feelings that plague the characters of Anna, poised between a past heavy and difficult to plan a future. Men motionless, waiting, immersed in an atmosphere in which it is clearly discernible hope for something to happen.
Not a place more appropriate then, to accommodate these works with an impeccable technique, secure lines that delineate imaginary worlds but nevertheless, in their meaning, more and more current.
"I love to describe concepts and stories," says Anna, "the paint thoughts and dreams freely without having to cling to reality." And therefore fish that fly and scream, boats stranded in a sea become dry and the characters who tell '"Waiting", "Freedom", the inability to react or escape, and they seem to tell us that among our night dreams and what we call reality is not flowing any clear boundary.

Department of Culture of the Municipality of Grigno
Municipal Public Library "Orlando Gasperini" Grigno

Comments 3

Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
Annalisa Lenzi
11 years ago
grazie Mirta!!
Mirta Vignatti
11 years ago

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