Gesto / Gestalt
Exhibitions, Italy, Piacenza, 15 November 2014
Curated by Virgilio Patarini at Comlesso Museale Ricci Oddio , Piacenza .
works by Andrea Boldrini, Raffaele De Francesco, Josine Dupont, Paolo Facchinetti, Michelle Hold, Roberto Tortellotti.
for Michelle Hold gesture is a sort of dance, an impulse , an expression of energy when she puts the first signs on the canvas . They can be aggressive, play full, demanding, but they must be powerful. She believes that ultimately it is the power you read in a painting , the force or on the contrary the softness of the brushstroke which captures the viewer's attention.

Comments 2

Maristella  Angeli
10 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Complimenti Michelle!
Rudolf Lichtenegger
10 years ago

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