
Festivals, Italy, Pescara, 29 July 2012
Landscape photography Festival


Festivals, Italy, Ancona, 29 July 2012
International Art Festival. I'll be present with "Visibilmente essenziale", winner of the 56° Contemporary Art Prize B.Cascella 2012.

The Perfect exposure top 100 exhibition

Exhibitions, United States, Los Angeles, 26 July 2012
I was selected by the Pulitzer Nick Ut and Eli Reed ( Magnum photographers ) for a collective exhibition in Los Angeles, at the Perfect exposure Gallery, with a shoot from Amnios series www.alessan...Read all

Les Rencontres d'Arles

Festivals, France, Departement des Bouches-du-Rhone, Arles, 02 July 2012
Digitally exposed at the prestigious Rencontres d'Arles, with a photo from "Costa Vostra" www.alessandrofalco.com ©