"Works on Paper"
Exhibitions, Italy, Bergamo, 23 March 2013
Works on paper
By Carlotta Giardini and Sergio Pedrocchi
Museum Centre Street San Narno, 1 - 24020 Rovetta (Bg)
23 March to 1 April 2013
Saturday, 23 March 2013 at 17.30 at the Museum Centre of Rovetta, will open the exhibition Works on paper. Expose: Roman Arienti, Aurelio Bertoni, Calisto Gritti, Patrick Sinn, Bruno Visinoni, Titian Bellomi, Zeno Finotti, Paul Marcolongo, Sergio Pedrocchi, Carla Semprebon, Luisa Tinazzi, Carla Venturi, Giordano Zorzi
The exhibition will be open:
Monday to Friday from 16 to 19
Saturday and Sunday, from 10 am to 12 and from 16 to 19 hours

Comments 4

Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
Lucio Scardino
11 years ago
Lucio Scardino Curator
tanti auguri per la mostra bel Tiziano!
11 years ago
Cat Photographer
Tous mes voeux !
Mirta Vignatti
11 years ago

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