Exhibitions, Italy, Urbino, Pesaro, 31 March 2012
In ‘Lives of not illustrious men’ (borrowing this title from a romance by Giuseppe Pontiggia), Alessandra Baldoni puts together narratives very dear to her. Photography and writing coexist in a project where the image poses itself as existence attestation and word becomes life blood. Framed in more phases, the project presents as a series of diptyches where a written page is joined by photography. The fact that both elements are singularly pictured suggests the work of the artist to link them together by sending a photo to a person engaged in the project, and calling back for a story related to that image. In relating to what is simply a fragment, word expresses its creative power at its best, drafting ‘short biographies’ -as reported by the artist- and describing possible lives turning around the moment caught by the click. Old photos bought in small markets and stands mix with others ‘on style’, true reproduction, realized by the artist. The subtle reality and fiction game offered by the images is interpreted by words. Narrative taste, imagination and visionary ability mingle with memory and experience in a unique creative act. An alchemy that has at its basis all the strength of art.
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