Festival of young talents-TNT-
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 15 November 2010
FESTIVAL TNT: 200 stories of young people who are best Italy
TNT Behind each door, along every street in Italy meet examples of ordinary young talent. Girls and boys who do not make headlines but are better in Italy, which form the core of the social fabric, soul, cultural, economic initiative, honest labor and creativity of a beautiful Italy, a lively, civil, real and possible.
TNT opens up a window telling this beauty, through their voices, 200 stories of ordinary talent chosen from among the many sent by young people between 15 and 35. Similar stories of thousands more, in which everyone can identify with and find inspiration. Not only excellence, but first of all dignity, quality and rigor in performing a function that is useful to Italy as well as to themselves.
These stories tell of experiences in all areas of civil, economic, social: from research to volunteering, from art to economics and finance, from food environment, from international relations to technological innovation, art and in its various forms.
THE FESTIVALTNT is a meeting place between different generations, with the participation of actors and their choices create concrete conditions, opportunities to make possible the expression and incorporation into civilian life and economic viability of this talent among young.
So with the young talents chosen to tell and share with their peers experiences, thoughts and questions, TNT is also home to businesses, organizations, institutions, universities, research centers, individuals who can represent this Italy, asking them to invest in ' emergence of Italian talent, offering them real opportunities to limit the brain drain from Italy.
Expo, excellent meetings, seminars, workshops, one2one, conferences, shows and information, along with many opportunities for practical training, develop relationships and connections, to network, be stronger than new knowledge, new relationships, ideas and resources to implement .
TNT is an ideal area, a city that has no boundaries, is not well defined, but no homes colors and symbols, in perpetual motion.
The city of TNT is constantly evolving and changing, it can contaminate the world, to transform and improve it through the energy of youth and talent.


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