An Expression of the Heart ~ Solo show Lauro Pedraza
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 01 July 2012
An Expression of the Heart ~ Lauro Pedraza's Personal Art Exhibition
We are pleased to announce the personal art exhibition of a great artist from Mexico, Lauro Pedraza, at the halls of Grifio Museum

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1) Create a free account here (from the top menu, choose your language)
2) Download and open the program downloaded the "Second Life Viewer" (if you do not download automatically, get it here )
3) Enter username and password of your second life account and contact details for access to our land written in this format Three Rivers/30/168/798
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After you create your Second Life account and installed the Second Life viewer, click on this link Grifio SL Teleport
Wait the loading page and click on "Visit this location

Second Life®, SL™, and Linden Lab®, sono copyright e marchio registrato da Linden Research Inc. Grifio Art Gallery non è sponsorizzata da Linden Research, Secondlife e Secondlife Grid.

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Crea il tuo account gratuito secondlife ed entra nelle nostre gallerie utilizzando questi link (teleport). Nella sezione download troverete la nostra guida passo passo.

Grifio Art Gallery
Coordinates: 39/159/23

Grifio Museum
Coordinates: 30/168/798

Galleria Italia
Coordinates: 68/157/395

Attendi il caricamento della pagina e Clicca su Visit this location.

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Comments 4

Lauro Pedraza
12 years ago
Lauro Pedraza Artist
Graziel Associazione Roberta Smedili!
Lauro Pedraza
12 years ago
Lauro Pedraza Artist
Grazue Lussorio!
12 years ago
Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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