Biennale ArtBrescia 2013
Exhibitions, Italy, Brescia, 19 March 2013
The artist Lussorio Serra has been selected to participate in the International Biennial of Contemporary Art-Art Brescia 2013. Exhibits in Villa Morando - Lograto (BS) from March 19 to March 30, 2013, submitting a work of a social nature that explores some themes emerging news: it is infused with significant symbolism and characterized by the use of perceptual-emotional color that attempts to involve the viewer in a synaesthetic.

ArtBrescia - International Biennale of Contemporary Art is an event that not only involve different venues of the city, will see the creation of many cultural events throughout the province. Solo and group exhibitions, sculptures placed in the squares and in strategic places of tourist sites, exhibitions and presentations.
The event will present to the public a wide selection of paintings, sculptures, photographs, installations, video and digital works by Italian and foreign, emerging or already established reputation, in some of the most prestigious venues and the Province of Brescia.
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Comments 17

Fabio Cappellini
11 years ago
Fabio Cappellini Artist, Photographer, Journalist
In bocca al lupo Lussorio !
Stefania Rinaldi
11 years ago
Auguri di grandi soddisfazioni!
Barbara Ghisi
11 years ago
11 years ago
silvi Artist
Bravo ...e vai!
Anna Gatto
11 years ago
Anna Gatto Artist
emilia rebuglio
11 years ago
Complimenti ed auguri!
Maria Cristina  Neviani
11 years ago
Mirta Vignatti
11 years ago
Nanouk Reicht
11 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
Félicitations et bonne chance!
Andrea Giusti
11 years ago
Andrea Giusti Artist
complimenti e auguroni

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