"Art in Florence"
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 09 February 2013
The exhibition “Art in Florence” at the “Galleria 360”, has a very clear scope, and that’s to put together and compare very different artistic realities.
In a city that still identifies itself with the Renaissance the Artistic Director Angela Fagu and Architect Riccardo Piagentini, have always been in search of new artistic contemporary expressions, not necessarily representing break-points with the past, but rather some sort of continuation.
The artists whose works are exposed, though differing from each other through their individual styles and origins, look towards artists from the past. Eugenia Infelicina is an example. Her works remain half-way between strong permanent ties with the past and a strong will to open up towards the future.
Judith Stahl Schidlowsky draws for every work of hers, a mode of existence, an upsurge of fantasy, or just simply, moments.
What is most evident in her absolutely refined and heterogeneous painting is the purity of instinct. Her painting is a simple course in the act of painting.
Bernard Teiling, whose inspiration is clearly Picasso, plays with life in all its forms in a very clear attempt to approach it in an ironic and exhilarating way.
Works of art from Giotto to Picasso still live, because they remain the expression of human condition.
Contemporary art is simply the continuation of ancient art, and we are all contemporary.

Dott. Roberta Mottola

Comments 2

11 years ago
Complimenti e buona fortuna!!
Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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