Françoise Calcagno Art Studio of Venice is proud to present Cate Maggia's solo exhibition, entitled “VISIONI AEREE”. In Cate Maggia’s work development, the reuse of materials bearer of their own life, glues, resins, fabrics, laces, starts with collage. Collage, the technique used by this artist native of Borgosesia (VC), is stated in these works in many different forms, through the use of fabrics.
This is what the artist says about her job, in particular about the latest productions of her study: “Textile, represented in all natural materials such as wool or cotton, has always recalled the sense of memory and nostalgia for the very important moments of my life. An unusual devotion prevents me from throwing away clothes and accessories that have characterized the story of my deeper emotions. Only in this way I could overcome this separation moment: by the dismemberment and the re-composition of unused dresses and sweaters. Thin colored strips pass through my story to the ground and the landscape around us. A symbolic return to my native land where looms, threads and textiles were typical characteristic. In my works there are big ploughed fields, wide cultivated lands, in a from on high vision: the ancestral connection with the ground, where everything comes back, is the story of everyone. My works are a suggestion to transform every nostalgia, every emotional past in new creations that can be a source of reflexion. It is an invitation to keep stable the link between the individual unconscious and the concreteness of common reality in a mutual stimulation.”
For immediate release
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