ArtExpo February Rome
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 05 February 2016
ArtExpo February Rome
It opens on friday february 5 at 18 the international art exhibition in Rome
at the prestigious location of Domus Romana Art Gallery Via Quattro Fontane, 113 00184 Rome
situated in one of the most beautiful areas in Rome between Piazza di Spagna and Fontana di Trevi,
in Rome's historic center.
Exhibited 63 artworks by artists from:
Argentina; Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; Canada; Denmark; Finland;
France; Germany; Great Britain; Greece; India; Italy; Norway; Spain; Sweden; USA.
All these different origins, testify to the global nature of the event,
which aims to unite artists from different cultures in the name of the same universal language of art.

During the opening, there will be an unmissable concert duo piano&voice Duollier, with Cristina D'Arcangelo (voice) and Valerio Ciccarelli (piano).

ArtExpo February Rome from February 5, 2016 al 19 February 2016
Domus Romana Art Gallery
Via Quattro Fontane, 113 00184 Rome
open from 15:00 to 22:00 every day of the week!
event organization
Artists in the World Angelo Ribezzi
in collaboration with the Event Eudaimonia

Artists for ArtExpo February Rome:

Anders Myrén
Avayianou Rena "Peinture"
Barbolini Mauro
Berra Marina
Burkhard P. Bierschenck "BPB"
Campese Ester "Campey"
Casadei Sandro
Casellato Alessia "Sottosopra"
Casini Laura
Castelli Daria
Cézanne-Thauss Christine
Christophe Calvet "Chris Calvet"
Cocchiara Maridelia "Marico' "
Cortellini Silvio
Crucianelli Isabella "IsaCru"
Cuenca Muñoz Carmen
De Gregorio Francesca
De Rae Monique
Deletre Jean
Di Paola Assunta "Tina Di Paola"
Dmytruk Halyna "Alina"
Donato Laura
Esposito Angela "Alessiacom"
Fadda Alessandra "Biancaneve"
Farronato Pierpaolo
Ficara Sabina Vittoria
Fulea Michaela
Gaglione Francesco
Gagnan Marie-Noëlle
Gasparini Paolo "Gaspa"
Gatti Enzo "Gaen"
Ghelli Jessica
Giusti Fabrizio
Golnik Leena
Haxby Clare
Ilcheva Krasimira "KrasiArt"
Inger Myrén
La Bounty Margaret
Leopoldo Bon
Leppäkoski Helmi
Loconsole Francesca "Missi Queen"
Lundgren Clara
Manzo Claudio
Masini Andrea "Immagina Arte in Movimento"
Matonickin Sanja "Matonickin"
Millan Martinez David "Visual TC Photography"
Mughal Zahir Ud din Babar
Muller Mariella
Ortiz Echeverria Britta
Plaut Amos
Preuss Walter
Santarossa Maria "MS Photo&ComputerArt"
Tasca Mario
Tinebra Caterina
Toutain Gael
Tripodi Rita
Trygve Amundsen "Artist TA"
Vaida Cosmin George
Violoni Giorgina
Vittorelli Anita
Weidig Odile
Zona Giuseppe
Zygmunt Anna

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