Exhibitions, India, Mumbai, 17 April 2019
J.J.ITES’ SIR J.J. School of Art Alumni Association
Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai

It was in the past that the present came into being and it is the combination of this past,
that laid foundation for the present, that a future will be built. Art lives forever and the
foundation of any art is the past. History cannot better the smile of a Mona Lisa and in
an effort to better that, lives the present and • a future will be built, forever.
In an effort to build up this bridge between past and present, the JJ School of arts
keeps on holding these events at regular intervals. The past students and the present
alumni combine at such events to bring harmony and develop funds to support the poor
and keep the art alive forever. In this capitalist world, where everyone wants to be a
doctor or an engineer or an MBA, it is of utmost importance to support the art form. It is
important to make it appealing to more and more youngsters to take the brush
and create strokes of wonder.
J J School of arts was a pioneer in this field and will strive to keep the art form alive at
all stages. The exhibits at this exhibition of its ex students is an effort to prove that art
will never die, especially when some of our ex students are senior citizens and
still create a master class on canvas.
Since years JJite's have created a healthy harmonious interaction between their past
and present students. We not only organize educational, cultural and social activities,
but these become a media to help the poor students financially, to persons affected by
natural calamities, to encourage young upcoming artists. and to uplift the artwork of
handicapped and street children. As our tokens of encouragement we felicitate people,
give prizes and award scholarships to the toppers of art work • pamphlets are circulated
so that the objectives of JJite's spreads amongst one and all. It bridges the gap and
fosters love between the students of India and abroad through art. So, it's not an
exaggeration to say that JJite's has a heart for art.
Jjite's is a show of larger perspective and different perceptions. With Jjite's it is an
attempt to showcase diversity in art. In this exhibition, artists has shared a platform
together to showcase their creativity. Artist's experiment with medium. subject,
malerials gives a signature o f uniqueness to the show. Artists has come together with
different ideas, philosophies. thoughts and perspectives making Jjite's a space for
interaction between different points of view.

Comments 2

Nanouk Reicht
5 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
Good luck !
Maristella  Angeli
5 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter

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