Creekside Open 2013, London
Exhibitions, United Kingdom, London, 06 June 2013
The Creekside Open is the successor to the celebrated Whitechapel Open, one of the key events in the London art calendar for much of the twentieth century. The Creekside Open has already established a strong reputation of its own, not least because of its choice of prominent figures to act as guest curators. This year the gallerist Ceri Hands selected some 50 works from an entry of more than 2,700. I had the good fortune to have a print from the GO GENTLE series chosen by Ceri, in an anonymous selection process.

The exhibition runs between June 6 and June 30 at the APT Gallery in Creekside, Deptford.
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Comments 15

Serena Barotti
11 years ago
Good luck! Congrats!! :)
11 years ago
EX Artist
> Congrats Geoff!
Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
11 years ago
benny Artist
Marianna Merler
11 years ago
Marilena La Mantia
11 years ago
Complimenti !
vittoria badaracco
11 years ago
Jenny Papalexandris
11 years ago
Deservedly so, Geoff, this is a powerful work. All the best. Jenny
Gianpaolo Marchesi
11 years ago
Mirta Vignatti
11 years ago
Complimenti Geoff!!!

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