TM13, Real Fonderia, Palermo
Exhibitions, Italy, Palermo, 26 June 2013
I am honoured to be showing a trio of large, hanging, canvas scrolls from the FLOW series at TM13. This is an open competition exhibition, being held in the arts space of the Real Fonderia, a historic monument in the centre of the city of Palermo, in Sicily.

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Comments 12

Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
Un grandissimo in bocca al lupo
11 years ago
Good luck!
Aeneas  MacRae
11 years ago
Aeneas MacRae Artist
great stuff Geoff I wish you the best
11 years ago
benny Artist
Geoff Dunlop
11 years ago
Geoff Dunlop Artist
Thanks to my Celeste friends for your kind support. G
Nanouk Reicht
11 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
Marianna Merler
11 years ago
Jenny Papalexandris
11 years ago
Wonderful, Geoff, I wish you all the best. Jenny
Teresa Palombini
11 years ago
Tanti auguri!!
emilia rebuglio
11 years ago

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