Exhibitions, Italy, Mantova, 17 November 2012
Views of landscapes captured in the works of artists against the grain!

Perhaps not everyone knows that exhibit works of talented landscape has become an enterprise! Since conceptual art has depopulated many figurative artists also previously chose the informal abandoning the beautiful figurative painting of the landscape. Instead went against the artists who opened the exhibition in Mantua PREPARED BY BARBARA Ghisi the gallery ArteArte November 17 and will remain on display with their works until 2 December 2012.
Clementina macetti teaches drawing and art history at the High School of Romano di Lombardia (Bergamo). It 'co-author of the textbook "Reading the art" for the middle school and "Discipline graphic and pictorial" for the high schools of art. In landscape representation enhances the emotional and poetic value of natural phenomena, sometimes straying into abstraction to amplify the effects of light and color images.
ALESSANDRO MARRONI, lives and works in Rome where he was born. He has always loved drawing and painting has been a staple of art, demonstrating artistic potential with time and techniques. Collaborates with oil paints and watercolors landscapes related to his childhood, and the resorts to his life. His works are the result of intense experimental work and in-depth research and expressive colors.

Comments 1

11 years ago
Un grazie mirabolante all'organizzatrice dell'evento "BARBARA GHISI", e alla Direttrice della prestigiosa Galleria Artearte "VALENTINA MARONGIU", che mi hanno dato l’opportunità di esporre le mie opere fuori dalla culla Romana.
Con la speranza, che la mia arte abbia allietato il cuore delle persone amanti del paesaggio naturale.

Alessandro Marroni

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