Pensiero Stupendo
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 03 November 2011
Coronari111ArtGallery presenta:
“Pensiero Stupendo”-Collettiva d’arte Concorso dal 3 al 16 Novembre 2012

Da sempre, l’Arte ci parla dell’Eros.
Pablo Picasso, Gustave Coubert, Marc Chagall, Robert Doisneau, Man Ray ed altri illustri artisti, nel corso del tempo ci han raccontato dell’Arte di Amare, attraverso le loro opere.
Ed ancora oggi, attraverso l’arte, desideriamo ingordi, sentirne parlare ancora , ancora e ancora.
A tal fine, Coronari111ArtGallery ha organizzato l’evento intitolato: “Pensiero Stupendo” una mostra dedicata all’amore , all’attrazione e alla voluttà , ed ai meccanismi psicologici della seduzione.
Ma soprattutto una mostra incentrata sulla ricerca Coronari111ArtGallery presents:
"Stupid"-Collective Art Contest 3 to 16 November 2012

As always, the art speaks of Eros.
Pablo Picasso, Gustave Courbet, Marc Chagall, Robert Doisneau, Man Ray and other famous artists, over time there Han told Art of Loving, through their works.
And still today, through art, we would like greedy to hear again and again and again.
To this end, Coronari111ArtGallery organized an event entitled: "Stupid," a show about love, attraction and pleasure, and the psychological mechanisms of seduction.
But above all, an exhibition focusing on the search for each of us the fleeting moment, the memory of which then we eat, we care or struggiamo.
We celebrate that moment before capture and after read.
The pleasure of waiting for a meeting so desired, the excitement turned on by the scent ... looks and silences in agreement that "tell all" and complicity in guarding a shared secret ...
A journey through the complex network of games and strategies that make an art of loving.

Comments 3

giulio micheletti
11 years ago
complimenti e gran successo, spero di venire a visitarla
Coronari111 Art Gallery
11 years ago
Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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