ARTItaly from Rome to ARTEXPO NEW YORK 2015
Fairs, United States, New York City, 23 April 2015
Coronary ART GALLERY 111 arrives again in USA. After the first edition of Artitaly, opened last November in Naples Florida is now the turn of New York for the Second Edition hosted in the prestigious PIER 94 during ARTEXPO of NEW YORK.
On display 28 ARTISTS to enhance the Italian art in the world!

Comments 2

Barbara Volpato
9 years ago
Condivido con Anthony .. In bocca al lupo..
Anthony Catania
9 years ago
Buona fortuna a tutti i partecipanti e un grande plauso a Maurizio Yorck per il suo spirito di intraprendenza, e a tutto lo staff di Coronari111.

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