"TWO" is the story of Valeria, which uses the female figure: the images of women, often in "pairs" that come to life on the canvas through lines read, sometimes sharp, bright colors and sweet whites. The artist makes us participate in his performance of "Two", where this number is a constant striving for a return on their contrasting elements in a self finally healthy and harmonious, which is essential for sharing with each other. Every work of art is, as well as the dreams and neurotic symptoms, the fulfillment of a desire forgotten veiled, hidden, and desires are the perfect time of artistic creation: del'artista reconciliation with life itself. In the symbolism, the number Two embodies the opposites: male / female, day / night, earth / sky, etc.. In his works, Valeria does not separate them, but unites them, sometimes confusing, always looking for a balance impossible without unity of the parties, a balance that is based on the principle of the sacred union of material and the spiritual.
All this will take shape in conjunction with "Sweet waiting for whom?", A comedy, that by drawing on social dynamics and daily says with irony and sarcasm the condition of so many young women today would like to take the path of motherhood. An often tortuous path, made of difficulties not only after birth, but from the beginning, when you start to speculate even the so-called "pregnant". Entertainment Betta Cianchini directed by Marco Maltauro with Giada Prandi and Christian Vaccaro.
Valeria Patrizi was born in 1979 in Rome where he lives and works today. In 1999, specializes in decorative painting at the Art Institute "ISA Roma2" and in 2004 he graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome (professor of painting at Nunzio Solendo) for 6 months after attending the "Facultad de Bellas Artes de Granada. graduated from the School of Restoration St. James the City of Rome, for years he alternates his activity to that of painting restorer.
It defines an artist determined, Eclectic, intuitive, uncertain, happy, sad, naive, sincere and courageous.
Friday, November 16th at 18.30 Inauguration
Sunday, November 18, 2012 at 19:00 Roundtable: meet - comparison between the artist, the actresses, the authors of the show and the audience, on the theme of "pregnant."
Location: Foundry Arts, 31 Rome - www.fonderiadellearti.com
The exhibition runs: 16 November - 26 November 2012
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 20.00 - Saturday from 9.00 to 16.00
Art Direction: Kora Cultural Diffusion
Press Office: Kora Cultural Diffusion (347.0058042)
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