Suridealism in art and Suridealist art as an ethical urgency
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 14 November 2018

The Literary Cafe of Rome presents the Artistic Manifesto by Antonello Morsillo, Il Suridealismo nell'arte.
This book, a small treatise on philosophical aesthetics, is completely pervaded by the perception of considering art as an ethical urgency. The author communicates his experience in a universal way. For him, art is not a primary good, but can give life. So here's how the will to remember people who gave their lives for their ideas become in this contemporary, selfish and approximate, a necessity. Morsillo leads, for the first time in Italy, Suridealism, a literary current that arose in France as a polemical response to Surrealism. Its originality, is in its artistic value charged with a strong idealism, in the literal sense of the term, or a push to rediscover human values ​​and return to the primigenio. It is necessary to go back to the essence, to the purity that characterizes everyone when the social superstructures still do not condition man. It is an artistic manifesto, almost poetic in the heartfelt message of wanting to show how the existence must be ethical.
The presentation of the book will be accompanied by the anthological exhibition, Suridealist art as ethical urgency. The exhibition presents some works by Morsillo, in which they are immortalized, among others, Giordano Bruno, Gandhi, Etty Hillesum, Anne Frank, Felice Schragenheim, Marielle Franco.
The urgency of Morsillo is to hand down the memory of those who gave their lives for their ideas because they believe that art can and should make known some significant realities. He presents them in conferences, even in schools, using important collaborations such as: Angela Ales Bello, Adriano Petta, David Grieco.
The cultural and artistic baggage of Antonello Morsillo is the result of university studies in Literature, Librarianship and Philosophy combined with an illustrator's past that earned him the publication of many of his works on CD covers, books and magazines for Mina, Milva, Patty Pravo , Rector, Luigi Tenco and Renato Zero.
Among the awards, in December 2016, the Beato Angelico International Prize for the artistic and cultural commitment lavished on the personal Shoah the implications of prejudice in which he paid tribute to the victims of concentration camps and in 2017 in Monaco the Oscar for the visual arts.

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