Prize calls, Italy, Parma, 01 December 2013
The literary magazine "La Luna Traverso ", published by the Publishing House Monte Parma University and by the Cultural Association APS " Lunatics ," announces a NEW CONTEST FOR NARRATORS , Photographers , Illustrators and cartoonists .


The new theme for the No. 35 "La Luna Traverso ' night is Internal . Nothing but a where and when. The rest is history that has yet to be told.

The call is open to young authors working in the fields of fiction , photography, illustration and comics residents, resident students or workers in the country. It requires unreleased material , in Italian, which has not been awarded in other contests or already published , even partially, or located on the Internet . Participation in the competition is free.

Works of fiction : original and unpublished short stories are admitted for a maximum length of 5400 characters including spaces .

Photography: admit to each author from 1 to 5 photographs, original and new , black and white or color , 10x15 cm . It is preferable to scan and send the material via email or by mail on CD-ROM , with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

Illustrations : you admit to each author from 1 to 5 tables , original and new , black and white or color , the maximum size of a sheet of A4 ( 21x29.7 cm). It is preferable to scan and send the material via email or by mail on CD-ROM , with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

Comics will admit a maximum of 2 plates in black and white or color, in which to develop a story and make it happen with a free choice of technique , the size of a sheet of A4 ( 21x29.7 cm).

It is preferable to scan and send the material via email or by mail on CD-ROM , with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. For a greater appreciation , enjoyment and adherence to artistic and communicative intent of each photographer or illustrator or cartoonist is required , if the same author is deemed useful and necessary, indicate the title of his work, the size and the technique used . These data will be referred to as a caption to accompany the photographs or illustrations that will be chosen for publication. The works of all participants ( Fiction, Photography , Illustration , Cartoon ) must necessarily be accompanied by : a short biography (maximum 800 characters , to avoid cuts arbitration ) accompanied by the personal data ( name, address, telephone , e-mail address ) . It will be the postmark . Any certificates of participation in the competition will be awarded to artists who request it only if their jobs are selected . The materials should be sent by mail to: Who wants , can still send their works by post by submitting the following address: CULTURAL ASSOCIATION APS lunatics , Via Volturno n ° 13 , 43125 , Parma (PR) .

In relation to the prediction that the material may be published and used by the editors for reading and reading, in execution of the Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 ( Code relating to the protection of personal data) , the entrant consents to the processing of their personal data. Each participating author will be responsible for the content of their work . In addition, the candidate will act as guarantors that the work submitted is original, that has never been awarded or submitted in any other competition , nor ever published , even partially, or fed into the Internet.

For the evaluation of the works will take into account the quality of the search paths and formal originality of texts and images. The prize of the competition is the publication of the journal "La Luna Traverso " and on the site , in printed and digital formats . Only winners will be contacted by the editors in their own homes and will receive two complimentary copies .
We do not accept stories and materials already published or who have participated in previous calls . The Commission's decisions will be final and editorial material will not be returned . By entering the eventual selection , is granted the right , free of charge , to the first edition of the works will not have any claim as copyright .

The works must be delivered not later than 12.00 am on 21 April 2014.

For more information, please contact the following email addresses : -

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T0 Studio
10 years ago
T0 Studio Artist, Curator, Organizer

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