's book publishing works of contemporary art for future artists
Critical texts, United States, New York City, 18 February 2013
The vision of the artist, programmatic indicator for form and content material condensation of 'work, is a look unfulfilled, lonely, out of the right, left to time and space, who wants to stand out and literally denucleare a tradition to upset her and then destrutturarla , wants to change genetically to say in a peremptory and absolute its vision of 'art and his inner world, a entrospezione analytical dissolves and is carried out in the' creative act, so 'the relationship with tradition is binary: on the one hand there is a look pristine, angelic vision impoverished and stripped of pollutants, so the artistic vocation is always awakened and revived by the use with the art of the past, which turns out to be essential when neuro-training, on the other hand, for be able to fully manifest in the regeneration object of reality 'manipulated.
Creation, art and technology to establish a new identity 'of' art of its function as metaphysical and meta, today internet, facebook and social networks are a new identity 'of manifestation of' art from which you can not 'matter, speed' immediacy of informational language and computer, affect the use at the site of sharing, "like" or "bannerizzazione" contemporaneity 'and acontemporaneita' reading of a work of 'art, visual decryption of verbal language, the artist' will 'always more 'involved in the process of internizzazione, evolution of semiotic meaning significant neuro-genesis of matter, as a vehicle of' image,
E 'for this and for these reasons that the history of' art is' changed, changed, revolutionized the book must be returned in a timely matter in art of A social sharing, the non-sense plants contemporary critical distances always more 'wide between critical power and the support of emerging artists or established artists that sink in for a moment, due to the lack of capacity' critical support to the changes, social and generational of 'art. 0 to not be a follower, every artist is obliged to break with tradition in an uninterrupted and tireless and constant search of the absolutely new in the creation of a metalanguage.
The creation of a work is conceived as a journey of no return, with the destruction of the vanishing point, toward the affirmation of the self in alter-ego, peremptory and decisive, in the sense of individuality monotheistic and pantheistic incrontrovertibili, the 'work of art, once created, is revealed as a manifestation of a specific birth-creative originality as proof of a particular language and unique, a unique and unrepeatable, the artists whose will is broken it carries so much against the art forms in their entirety, as against the forms of nature in dispute is the metaphor copy of the ba with the 'creative act, the artist figure, seen as a man in perpetual state of revolt against everything and everyone, including the language itself that he is given and tries to say among the obstacles inhibitors of reason, nature and genuine rival 'to consecrate the nature, which wants Promethean dispute the primacy in the construction of forms and a new reality', the reality 'of' art.

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