
Exhibitions, Italy, Novara, 08 September 2022
“Congiunti” al Castello Visconteo Sforzesco di Novara, quando la tradizione diventa contemporanea Parte a Settembre la prima esposizione del progetto “Congiunti”, un percorso che indaga il linguaggi...Read all
Tibet Pavilion - a bridge made of culture and freedom

Tibet Pavilion - a bridge made of culture and freedom

Exhibitions, Italy, Venezia, 13 May 2017
TIBET PAVILION a bridge made of culture and freedom dedicated to H. H. the Dalai Lama Palazzo Zenobio – Fondamenta del Soccorso 2596 - Venice May 10th- August 10th 2017 Opening May 13th 2017 –...Read all
Earth Rawmatter A Mail Art project by Ruggero Maggi

Earth Rawmatter A Mail Art project by Ruggero Maggi

Exhibitions, Italy, Varese, Gallarate, 02 December 2016
EARTH RAWMATTER A Mail Art project by Ruggero Maggi The Visual Art Gallery of the Università del Melo, will host from December 2nd, 2016 until January 27th, 2017 the international Mail Art Exhibit...Read all
The Search for Harmony

The Search for Harmony

Exhibitions, Slovakia, Bratislava, 04 July 2015
THE SEARCH FOR HARMONY On one hand, contemporary art has been globalized and adopted a more and more anthropological approach, thus making more unstable the borders among non-European expressions and...Read all